
“And we descended upon this Sea because it washed the Eastern shores of that continent where I wished to go, namely, to that continent then called Grabontzi and now called Africa, on which those ape-beings I needed then bred more than on any other of the terra firma parts of the surface of that planet of yours; and also because this sea was at that period particularly convenient for the mooring of our ship Occasion; but what was still more important was that on one of its sides that country was situated which was then called ‘Nilia’ and is now called Egypt, where those beings of our tribe then existed who wished to remain on that planet and with whose help I intended to collect the apes. 1740 BTG XXIII

“Well, then, having descended upon the Red Sea, we sailed from the ship Occasion on ‘Epodrenekhs’ to the shore; and afterwards, on camels we came to that town where our beings existed and which was then the capital of the future Egypt. 1741 BTG XXIII

“And there in that future Egypt whither both had migrated in the said way, the relations of the beings of our tribe with the authentic former members themselves who chanced to be saved and also with the descendants of other authentic members, remained uninterrupted and continued almost until the departure of our tribe from your planet. 1838 BTG XXIII

“Well then, my boy, thanks to that artificial adaptation which I had then seen for the observation of other cosmic concentrations, and which was being constructed in that future Egypt on the initiative issuing from the Reasons of the remote descendants of the member beings of the learned society Akhaldan, any one of these unfortunate favorites of yours, in spite of the Koritesnokhnian sight which had long before become inherent to them, could nevertheless acquire the ability to perceive freely at any time, as they say, ‘of the day and night’, the visibility of all those remote cosmic concentrations which in the process of the general ‘cosmic harmonious movement’ come within the sphere of the horizon of their observation. 1852 BTG XXIII

“I repeat, my boy, that although the chief peculiarity of the observatory constructed there by the three-brained beings of the future Egypt proved not to be new to me, since this principle had also been utilized in my observatory on Mars, with only this difference, that my seven long pipes were fixed not within the planet but on it, nevertheless all their innovations were so interesting in detail that, for any case that might arise, I even made, during my stay there, a detailed sketch of everything I saw, and later even used something of it for my own observatory. 1857 BTG XXIII

At this point of his tale, Beelzebub made a short pause as if he were thinking about something, and afterwards continued thus: “During my narration of what I then saw on a still surviving terra firma part of the surface of your planet among the three-brained beings there, certain of whom were the direct descendants of members of the truly great learned society Akhaldan there, the result of the manifestations of my being-Reason was that, owing to various associative recollections of all kinds of impressions of the perceptions of the visibility of the exterior environment of the said region, which have become fixed in my common presence, there have been gradually revived in me all the scenes and all the associative flow of thoughts of one of these being-experiencings of mine which occurred during my last stay there on my visit just to that same contemporary Egypt, when I once sat absorbed in thought at the foot of one of these constructions, which had chanced to survive from that period, and which is now called there ‘Pyramids’. 1875 BTG XXIII

“But this Egypt! 1877 BTG XXIII

“Well then, my boy, at the period of this fourth sojourn of mine in person on the surface of your planet, I first arrived in the country now called Egypt, and after having stayed there a few days among the remote descendants of the members of the great learned society Akhaldan, and becoming acquainted with certain surviving results of their ‘being-Partkdolg-duty’ for the welfare of their descendants, I afterwards, accompanied by two of our tribe, went to the southern countries of the same continent, and there, with the help of the local three-brained beings, caught the necessary number of ape-beings. 1882 BTG XXIII

“With the same aim he even made at that time a special what is called ‘campaign’ into the country Egypt. 1961 BTG XXIV

“He then made this special campaign there because the learned beings of all the continents of the planet were assembled there at that period, the opinion being widely spread there that more information for their various ‘sciences’ was to be obtained in this Egypt than anywhere else on their planet. 1962 BTG XXIV

“This Persian king-conqueror then took from Egypt all the learned beings present there, both the native and those who had come from other communities; and among their number were then also several called ‘Egyptian priests’, descendants of just those learned members of the society Akhaldan who had chanced to escape, and who had been the first to populate that country. 1963 BTG XXIV

“Among the number of the learned beings whom I met for my mentioned aim, was also one named Hamolinadir who had also been brought there by compulsion from Egypt. 1982 BTG XXIV

“Although this learned Hamolinadir had his arising and preparation for becoming a responsible being just there in the city of Babylon and descended from the race of beings there called ‘Assyrian’, yet he became learned in Egypt where the highest school existing on Earth at that time was found, and which was called the ‘School of Materializing-Thought’. 1986 BTG XXIV

“These learned beings about whom I am speaking had all without exception been taken to the city of Babylon by coercion and they were for the most part chose learned beings who had been taken there by the Persian king from Egypt. 2609 BTG XXX

“The second substance is that which is called there ‘castor oil’; this substance was already used long ago by the beings of Egypt for embalming their mummies, and it was they who also noticed that this substance has, among other things, that action for which it is now used. 3102 BTG XXXI

“But the knowledge about this castor oil passed also to these beings of Egypt from the beings of the continent Atlantis, who belonged to the learned society Akhaldan. 3103 BTG XXXI

“I decided to go to the country which is a part of the continent Africa and is there called Egypt. 3299 BTG XXXIII

“I chose this country because Egypt was indeed at that period the best place for resting, and many three-brained beings there possessing what is called ‘material wealth’ went there for that purpose from all the other continents. 3300 BTG XXXIII

“Having arrived there, I settled down in the city called ‘Cairot and very soon organized the external form of my ordinary existence in such a way as to have that rest for my planetary body after the said intense and strenuous labors. “Do you remember, I already told you that I was in this Egypt for the first time during my fourth appearance on the surface of that planet of yours, where I descended for the purpose of collecting with the help of several beings of our tribe existing there, a certain number of the chance-arisen ‘freaks’ called ‘apes’; and I furthermore then told you that I inspected in that country many interesting artificial constructions, among which was also that particular observatory, which had then interested me, for the observation of cosmic concentrations. 3301 BTG XXXIII

“These sands were a consequence partly of those great winds I have already mentioned and partly also of that planetary tremor which was afterwards called by the beings of this Egypt the ‘Alnepoosian earthquake’. 3304 BTG XXXIII

“Now do you know, my boy, what has gradually arisen in me while I have been telling you all this about Egypt and of what all my being has now already become finally aware — namely, an unpardonable error I made in my tales concerning the three-brained beings breeding on the planet Earth. 3306 BTG XXXIII

“But now, as I was speaking of this contemporary Egypt and there was revived before my ‘being-sight’ pictures of certain localities of that part of the terra firma surface of the planet which had once pleased me, the faint impressions I had previously of this said event there, became gradually coated in me into a definite awareness and to be clearly recollected in me. 3311 BTG XXXIII

“The knowledge of the ableness of such an actualization passed by inheritance to certain beings of this Egypt namely, to those initiated beings who were the direct descendants of the learned members of the Akhaldans. 3315 BTG XXXIII

“Well, many centuries after the loss of Atlantis, beings of this Egypt, on the basis of the knowledge which had reached them, also discovered how, by means of that same sacred neutralizing-force of the sacred Okidanokh, to preserve the planetary bodies of certain of them forever in a nondecaying and nondecomposing state after the sacred Rascooarno, or as they say, after death had proceeded in them. 3316 BTG XXXIII

“And indeed, by the time of my sixth visit to that planet all the beings and everything which had been in this Egypt during my former visit, had entirely ceased to exist and not even any notion of it all was preserved. 3317 BTG XXXIII

“The transformation of the planetary bodies into mummies was effected by the beings of Egypt by a very simple means; namely, they kept the planetary body assigned for this purpose about half a month in what is there called castor oil, and later they introduced into it the sacredsubstanceforce’ dissolved in a corresponding way. 3320 BTG XXXIII

“Well, my boy, according to the researches and investigations of one of our countrymen who exists there even up till now, about which I was informed by an etherogram after my final departure from the surface of your planet, it turned out that once, when their process of ‘reciprocal-destruction’ began between the community of beings breeding on this Egypt and the beings of a neighbouring community, and when at the same time, one of their, as they are called ‘Pharaohs’ came to the end of his existence, the beings whose business it was to preserve the bodies of meritorious beings everlastingly were unable, owing to the approach of beings hostile to them, to keep the planetary body of this Pharaoh in castor oil as long as was necessary, that is to say, half a month; hut nevertheless, they put this body into castor oil, placed it in a hermetically closed room and, having dissolved in a certain way the said sacred substance-force they introduced it into the said room so as to obtain in this way what they wished. 3321 BTG XXXIII

“The program of my external existence in this said Egypt included among other things, the practice of taking a walk every morning in the direction of what are called the ‘Pyramids’ and ‘Sphinx’. 3327 BTG XXXIII

“These Pyramids and Sphinx were the sole, chance, poor surviving remains of those magnificent constructions which were erected by the generations of the most great Akhaldans and by the Great Ancestors of the beings of this said Egypt, and of which I was a witness at my fourth sojourn on this planet of yours. 3328 BTG XXXIII

“I failed to have a thorough rest in this Egypt because of circumstances which soon led me to depart from there; and the circumstances that led to my premature departure from Egypt were, strictly speaking, the reason why the towns of dear Turkestan with their pleasant ‘Tchai-kanas’ were replaced as I have already told you by the cities of their famous contemporary cultured continent Europe with the not less famous ‘cafe-restaurants’, in which, as I have already told you, instead of fragrant teas the offer you a black liquid consisting of nobody knows what”. 3329 BTG XXXIII

All the further events, during this last sojourn of mine on the surface of the planet Earth, connected with the abnormal form of the usual being-existence of those three-brained beings who please you, and, at the same time, many trifling incidents of all kinds which elucidated the characteristic details of their peculiar psyche, began from the following: “Once, walking one morning by the said Pyramids, a certain elderly being, a stranger, and in exterior appearance not a native, approached me, and greeting me in the manner customary there, addressed me with the following words: “‘Doctor! You will perhaps do me the kindness to allow me to be your companion on your morning walks? I have noticed that you always walk in this neighborhood alone. I am also very fond of walking here of a morning and as I, too, am quite alone here in Egypt, I venture to propose to you that I should accompany you on these walks of yours’. 3333 BTG XXXIV

“‘As regards myself, personally, I have during recent times so much thought, rethought, and consulted with various people who have more or less “life-experience”. in order to find some way or other out of the situation which has turned out so sorrowfully, that I reached such a state that I nearly fell ill and was compelled by the insistence of those near to me to undertake this journey here to Egypt with the sole object of resting. But alas’ Now here in Egypt even, I have met with no success. because always those same black thoughts of mine give me no peace. 3344 BTG XXXIV

“After this talk with the important Russian being, I soon got ready, and several days after left Egypt together with him. Two weeks later we were already in the chief place of existence of this large community, in the town at that time still called ‘Saint Petersburg’. 3352 BTG XXXIV

“It is interesting to notice that almost half of all these terrifying processes proceeded not very far from that place where their, as they themselves call it, ‘cultured existence’ is now concentrated; they proceeded on that part of the surface of their planet which they name Egypt. 3534 BTG XXXIV

“These terrifying processes proceeded on this same Egypt so often, in consequence of the fact that this part of the surface of your planet, during the course of long periods of time, found itself in relation to the common-cosmic Harmonious-Movement in the position of what is called the ‘center-of-gravityradiations’, and that is why the influence of the cosmic law Solioonensius often acted on the presence of the three-brained beings breeding there, and often brought forth in them such an abnormality. 3535 BTG XXXIV

“A parallel comparison of the real data concerning the events which took place on the same Egypt and those data about them which became fixed in the being-representation and understanding of almost every responsible being of famous contemporary ‘culture’, and which are known to them, as it were, thanks to their already ‘perfected reason’ might serve as an obvious illustrative example of from what general data their ‘logical mentation’ at the period of their responsible existence is built up and consists, and likewise gives me the possibility yet once again to notice and emphasize to you all the maleficence in an objective sense of their usage, which was finally fixed in the process of their ordinary existence, and which they themselves call by the high-sounding words, ‘education’ and ‘schooling’ of the growing generation. 3536 BTG XXXIV

“The point is that, among the number of all possible kinds of ephemeral fantastic informations from the totality of which, as a result, their strange Reason proper to them alone is formed there, there is likewise the history of this same Egypt. 3537 BTG XXXIV

“That is why, my boy, at the present time there on that ill-fated planet, every being who has already reached responsible age, instead of the real knowledge which every normal three-brained being should have concerning the events which took place on their planet in the past, knows about everything in the same way in which, as in the present case, he ruminates with his being-Reason and ‘unconsciously’ becomes aware with all his being about this same Egypt. 3539 BTG XXXIV

“There’s no gainsaying it, each one of the already, according to them, responsible three-brained beings of this strange planet, already knows thanks to their system of education and schooling, the history of the beings who existed in the past on this Egypt. 3540 BTG XXXIV

“And if any of the beings of contemporary ‘culture’ infallibly desires and will continue to ‘pant’ in order to explain well to his Reason why among these ancient Egyptians the family name of their kings changed so often, then again, at very best, his being-mentation will associate approximately in the following sequence. He will say: “‘Evidently in olden times in this Egypt it often happened that the kings, or as they are named there Pharaohs, grew tired of reigning and abdicated their power — and this abdication in all probability proceeded in the following way and approximately under the following circumstances. 3546 BTG XXXIV

“‘And so, as many Pharaohs of this Egypt often grew tired and, loving their sons, did not desire the same for them, they renounced their kingdoms in this way to others, and hence so many dynasties “piled up” there’. 3555 BTG XXXIV

“In reality, however, the change of dynasty in this Egypt did not proceed so simply, and in the intervals between two dynasties there proceeded such perturbations in comparison with which this contemporary Bolshevism is ‘merely child’s play’. 3556 BTG XXXIV

“In order that you may better understand this and compare those former processes with this contemporary Bolshevism, I will now give you a couple of little scenes from former history, from, let us say, the Egypt I have already mentioned. 3565 BTG XXXIV

“When, in one of the intervals between the dynasties of these Egyptian Pharaohs or kings, there proceeded in Egypt a process such as this contemporary Bolshevism, the chief committee of the ‘revolutionaries’ announced to all the population of that country among other things, that ‘elections’ would soon begin for the chiefs of the large and small points of theirs, or as they say ‘towns’ end ‘villages’, and that these elections would proceed on the following principles: “Those were to be elected as chiefs for the towns and villages who would put in their ‘sacred’ vessels more of what are called ‘kroahns’ than others; a kroahn was the name given then in Egypt to sacrificial offerings. 3566 BTG XXXIV

“Further in this announcement it was stated that he who would have on the day of the elections the most kroahns in his sacred vessel would be appointed as chief of the whole of Egypt, and in the remaining towns and villages those would be appointed as chiefs who in their sacred vessels had the correspondingly greatest number of kroahns. 3570 BTG XXXIV

“You may picture to yourself, my boy, what on that day began to be accomplished everywhere on that Egypt, in order to have in their sacred vessels the greatest number of eyes of the beings who belonged in that period of the flow of time to the caste of the ruling class. 3571 BTG XXXIV

“On another occasion also there in Egypt, I became a witness of a not less terrifying scene. 3572 BTG XXXIV

“For a clear representation about this also terrifying scene, it is first of all necessary to tell you that there, that is on this Egypt, there was formerly in every one of their large points or ‘towns’ a large square on which proceeded all kinds of public, as they are called, ‘religious’ and ‘military’ ceremonies, where during these ceremonies were gathered masses of the beings from the whole of Egypt. 3573 BTG XXXIV

“These sacred cables around the squares for the public ceremonies, particularly in the large towns of Egypt, had at that time a colossal length, sometimes reaching to one ‘centrotino’, or, as the contemporary beings of your planet would say, ten miles long. 3576 BTG XXXIV

“The actualization of this Sacred Individual proceeded there in the planetary body of a boy, who arose in the country now called Egypt, a little after my fourth personal sojourn on the surface of this planet of yours. 3889 BTG XXXVIII

“This Sacred Individual, called by your favorites ‘Jesus Christ’, was actualized in the planetary body of a boy of that race of terrestrial three-brained beings whom Saint Moses, on the command from Above, chose from among the beings of the country Egypt and led to what is called the ‘Land of Canaan’. 3894 BTG XXXVIII

“‘It was said in this manuscript that when the Great Moses was the leader of the Judaic people and conducted them from the land of Egypt to the land of Canaan he constated the fact during the journey that among the youths and children of the people confided to him from Above, there was very widely spread the disease then called “Moordoorten” which contemporary people call onanism. 6071 BTG XLII

“‘According to the information which has come down to us from ancient times and also according to our own common sense, it is plain that the Great Moses, who as we learn from another source was a very great authority on medicine, wished by this means to secure that the totality of substances accumulating in the said places might of itself be mechanically removed owing to all kinds of accidental contact and thus cease to become a factor for the arising of the mentioned maleficent itching. Concerning the vast learning of the Great Moses in the province of medicine, many diverse historical sources agree that he obtained his medical knowledge during his stay in Egypt as a pupil of the Egyptian high priests to whom this knowledge had come down from their ancestors of the continent Atlantis, the first and last genuinely learned beings of the Earth, the members of the society then called Akhaldan. 6090 BTG XLII

“Later they again formed such a society, but this time in the country which is today called Egypt, and this society began to exist there under the motto: ‘If you learn how to create a flea only then dare you kill a man’. 6420 BTG XLIII

“That strange and peculiar combination of several tusks, already incomprehensible to them, became a sacred relic to them, and in this character it existed there until the period when that Persian king, about whom I once already told you, went there with his hordes, and made, as is said there, a ‘clean sweep’ of that same unfortunate Egypt. 6834 BTG XLIV

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