
“This impulse of astonishment had arisen and progressively increased in me from the moment when I saw, in the passages of the cave, the gas and electric lighting.BTG XLI

“During those four days he further demonstrated and explained to us much more concerning the ‘laws of vibrations’; but the most interesting thing for me personally was his last explanation about why and how, in that wild place remote from any place of the grouping of contemporary terrestrial beings, in this underground domain of his, there came to be gas and electric lighting.BTG XLI

“And so, when I inquired about the methods of the gas and electric lighting in this underground kingdom of his, he related to me the following: “‘The causes of the origin of these two kinds of lighting are entirely different, and each of these two kinds of lighting has its own independent story.BTG XLI

“‘As for the electric lighting, it came here only quite recently, and the initiator of its origin was also one of my friends who is still young and who came from among the Europeans.BTG XLI

“‘As for the appearance in our caves of electric lighting, the history of its origin is as follows: “‘Soon after we had settled in these caves, there once came to see me through a very old friend of mine also a dervish, a skill very young European traveler who sought my acquaintance on account of always this same action of the laws of vibrations which interested me.BTG XLI

“‘And already three days after his arrival, that began which was the cause of the arising of permanent electric lighting in our caves.BTG XLI

“‘And it began in the following way: As we were making certain experiments by means of my vibrometers and calculating the vibrations of the electric current which produces X rays in the Roentgen apparatus, we noticed that the number of vibrations of the electric current obtained by means of these Bunsen elements, all the time either increased or diminished; and because the number of vibrations in a certain length of time were most important for our elucidations during the flowing of the electric current, it then became clear to us that that kind of electric current was absolutely useless for the elucidations we required.BTG XLI

“‘Then after laying that ore in the bed of the stream he very simply connected from the stream two what are called terminals to the slightly charged accumulators which he himself had brought, and owing to this, the electric current of the famous what is called “amperage” began to flow into these accumulators.BTG XLI

“‘And when after twenty-four hours we passed the electric current thus obtained into the said accumulators through our vibrometers, then it turned out that although its amperage was not sufficient, yet the number of vibrations obtained from that electric current remained unchanged and absolutely uniform during all the time of its flow through my vibrometers.BTG XLI

“‘To increase the force of the electric current obtained in this peculiar way, he made “condensers” of various materials, namely, from goatskins, from a certain kind of “clay”, crushed “zinc ore” and “pine resin” and in this way there was obtained the electric current required for the amperage and voltage for the Roentgen apparatus he had brought.BTG XLI

“‘By means of this peculiar source of electric current we ultimately clearly proved to ourselves the following.BTG XLI

“‘And so, friend of my friend! When my young friend had become satisfied after this elucidation, he ceased to be interested in the question in which he had then been absorbed, and when he returned home to Europe he left for our use that source which he had created and which required neither attention nor any outside material; and thereafter we gradually installed electric lamps where we needed them in our caves.BTG XLI

“Although this new group is composed of and still continues to be increased by three-brained beings breeding on the continent of Europe, where for such beings with the aforementioned possibilities it is already necessary, particularly in recent times, as our wise Teacher Mullah Nassr Eddin says on such occasions, ‘to look specially with the most powerful electric arc lamps’, nevertheless, I repeat, in this large group there is a larger percentage of such beings than on the continent of Europe.BTG XLII

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