Omnipresent–Active–Element, Okidanokh B138 ff
thanks just to these processes of evolution and involution inherent in the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, there also began to be crystallized and decrystallized in the presences of all the greatest and smallest cosmic concentrations, all kinds of definite cosmic substances with their own inherent subjective properties, and which objective science calls active elements; and all the results of the evolution and involution of these active elements, actualizing the Trogoautoegocratic principle of existence of everything existing in the Universe by means of reciprocal feeding and maintaining each other’s existence, produce the said process Iraniranumange, or, what objective science calls common-cosmic-exchange-of-substances B759; see substance
definite center-of-gravity active elements which are crystallized in the presences of the Tetartocosmoses B761; and B763 passim
of opium B553 B825 B827 B829 B840 B844 B845 ff
of castor oil B553
in wheat B952 ff