
“You probably already well know that Zirlikners among us on the planet Karatas, as also in general beings similar to them on other planets of our Great Universe upon which breed already-formed three-brained beings, and from the number of whom are several, who, called differently on different planets, take upon themselves essential obligations in relation to the environment of beings similar to themselves – well, these Zirlikners are those responsible individuals who voluntarily devote the whole of their existence to helping any being of that region to fulfill his being-obligations, if this being for some reason or other, or simply thanks to a temporary irregular functioning of his planetary body, ceases to be able to fulfill his inner or outer being-duty by himself.BTG XXXI

“And these essential data which have until recently been in them engendered in them the being-impulses they called ‘patriarchality’ and ‘religiousness’.BTG XXXII

“But in the presences of your contemporary favorites not only does there absolutely not arise any being-impulse of ‘contrition’ about this essential property of theirs, and not only do they not consider its concentrated manifestation, intentionally yet unavoidably evoked by them, as ‘sacred’; but they have already adapted it, the process itself and the accidentally obtained results, for serving them as a means for ‘tickling’ certain consequences of the properties of the organ Kundalbuffer firmly fixed in them.BTG XXXII

“‘Owing to that same passion, every American, even depriving himself at times of essential necessities, tries hard and with great difficulty to economize little by little the dollars he has earned, only to have the possibility of visiting Europe and of course the “capital of the world” . . . Paris.BTG XXXVII

Adiat, Haidia, or fashions, are like our customs for daily being-existence which are established for the daily use of the three-brained beings for the alleviation of inevitable exterior conditions independent of beings, and which usually gradually enter everywhere into the daily use of beings as a necessary need, essential for them. These said contemporary customs or fashions of theirs are, firstly, only temporary and thus serve for the satisfaction only of the personal insignificant aims of these present and future Hasnamusses, which become phenomenally abnormal and trivially egoistic; and secondly, they are neither more nor less than the results of automatic Reason based on that relative understanding, which generally flows from the abnormally established conditions there of ordinary being-existence.BTG XXXVII

“Your acquaintance with this fact will be another example for you for enlightening you about the sense and essential significance of the sacred sacrament Almznoshinoo, and in addition you will also have a clear example of what I have already told, how – thanks only to the strange inherency in their general psyche, called wiseacring – the sense of even those crumbs ‘collected-from-bits-here-and-there-into-one-whole’ spoken and indicated to them by the genuine Sacred Individuals intentionally actualized among them from Above, were already so distorted by the first generation of the contemporaries of the given Sacred Individuals, that from all what they call religious teachings information reached the beings of subsequent generations suitable perhaps only for the inventing of what are called ‘children’s fairy tales’.BTG XXXVIII

“I repeat, my boy: Try very hard to understand everything that will relate to both these fundamental cosmic sacred laws, since knowledge of these sacred laws, particularly knowledge relating to the particularities of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, will help you in the future to understand very easily and very well all the second-grade and third-grade laws of World-creation and Worldexistence. Likewise, an all-round awareness of everything concerning these sacred laws also conduces, in general, to this, that three-brained beings irrespective of the form of their exterior coating, by becoming capable in the presence of all cosmic factors not depending on them and arising round about them – both the personally favorable as well as the unfavorable – of pondering on the sense of existence, acquire data for the elucidation and reconciliation in themselves of that, what is called, ‘individual collision’ which often arises, in general, in three-brained beings from the contradiction between the concrete results flowing from the processes of all the cosmic laws and the results presupposed and even quite surely expected by their what is called ‘sane-logic’; and thus, correctly evaluating the essential significance of their own presence, they become capable of becoming aware of the genuine corresponding place for themselves in these common-cosmic actualizations.BTG XXXIX

“Although this expression corresponding to the truth exists there among them, yet concerning the consideration of its exact sense, as in general concerning every short verbal formulation, they at best always express with their strange shortsighted mentation – even if they should wish with their whole common presence actively and sincerely to reveal their inner representation and essential understanding of this expression of theirs – something as follows: “‘Good . . . if we are “images of God” . . . that means . . . means . . . “God” is like us and has an appearance also like us . . . and that means, our “God” has the same moustache, beard, nose, as we have, and he dresses also as we do. He dresses as we do, doubtless because like us he is also very fond of modesty; it was not for nothing that he expelled Adam and Eve from Paradise, only because they lost their modesty and began to cover themselves with clothes’.BTG XXXIX

“In conclusion of the explanations that I have already given you relating to the subdivision into seven tones of the octave of sound which exists among your favorites, I must once again, alas, insist on this fact that if anything has remained and reached them of this knowledge, they have forgotten everything that was essential and always for the same reason: the disappearance from their presences of the practice of actualizing being-Partkdolg-duty the same disappearance which is the very cause of the gradual deterioration in them of the mentation proper to three-brained beings”.BTG XL

“He was very typical of those contemporary terrestrial three-brained beings who have a tendency to enthuse over, as is said there, ‘higher matters’ and who always automatize themselves to speak about them without any essential cognition with anyone they meet, on opportune and inopportune occasions. And whenever we met, he also liked to talk only about these matters.BTG XLI

“‘”And as regards the prevalence everywhere on the Earth at the present time of this human misfortune, the cause of this is in my opinion exclusively only those contemporary men in whom, owing to the same reasons, there arises – as in those young women, future prostitutes – a similar what is called ‘organic essential need to do nothing except enjoy oneself’, and one of the forms of satisfying the criminal need of these ‘ulcers’ among contemporary people consists, in the given case, in enticing and assisting such women to leave their native land for some foreign country.BTG XLII

After six years of work, merciless toward myself and with almost continuously tense mentation, I yesterday at last completed the setting down on paper, in a form, I think, accessible to everybody, the first of the three series of books I had previously thought out and six years ago begun – just those three series in which I planned to actualize by means of the totality of the ideas to be developed, at first in theory and afterwards in practice, also by a means I had foreseen and prepared, three essential tasks I had set myself: namely, by means of the first series, to destroy in people everything which, in their false representations, as it were, exists in reality, or in other words “to corrode without mercy all the rubbish accumulated during the ages in human mentation”; by means of the second series, to prepare so to say “new constructional material”; and by means of the third, “to build a new world”.BTG XLVIII

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