the abnormal existence of these strange threebrained beings has not only spoiled their own psyche, but has by repercussion gradually also spoiled the psyche of almost all the other onebrained and two-brained terrestrial beings B876; and B442 B564
abnormally established conditions of existence B713
archtragic-comic B1077
cultured B632
double-gravity-centered existence of Lentroham-sanin B390
duration of existence and being-existence; see duration
egoistically personal as well as collectively general B642
of Everything Existing B196
general B697
laws of World-creation and World-existence; see world
ordinary B253 B319 B383 B399 B433 B505 B589 B605 B642 ff B645 B1023 B1043
passive B508
pay for your existence B78
peaceful existence B83
permanent B658
preparatory B818
present B196
the process of their existence flows automatically B816
responsible existence B15 B496 B642 B815 B817 B854 B1058 B1081 B1126 B1163 ff B1186
tolerable B643
two chief motors of their existence B945