this Sacred-Triamazikamno consists of three independent forces, which are called: the first, Surp-Otheos; the second, Surp-Skiros; the third, Surp-Athanotos; which science calls as follows: the first, the Affirming-force, or the Pushing-force, or simply the Force-plus; the second, the Denying-force, or the Resisting-force, or simply the Force-minus; and the third, the Reconciling-force, or the Equilibrating-force, or the Neutralizing-force B751; and B589; see Triamazikamno
these three holy forces of the Sacred-Triamazikamno they named: the first, God-the-Father; the second, God-the-Son; and the third, God-the-Holy-Ghost; the hidden meaning of them they expressed by the following prayers: Sources of Divine/Rejoicings, revolts, and sufferings,/ Direct your actions upon us; or, Holy-Affirming, / Holy-Denying,/ Holy-Reconciling,/ Transubstantiate in me/ For my Being; or, Holy God,/ Holy Firm,/ Holy Immortal,/ Have mercy on us B752
active, backward flowing, evolutionary or Evil B1139
affirming B138 B146 B278 B589 B751 ff B1167; see affirming
affirming or positive force, concerning the male sex B278
affluence of B753 ff
backward flowing B1138 ff
denying B138 B146 B278 B589 B751 B1167
denying or negative force, concerning the female sex B278
equilibrating B751
evolutionary B1139
extraneous B32
holy B138 B143 B146 ff B278 B589 ff B751 ff B757 B1168
independent B138 ff B751 B1138 ff
negative B278
positive B278
pushing B751
reconciling B138 B146 B278 B564 B587 B589 B751 B1139
resulting-creative-force of Nature B426
resulting-decomposing-force of Nature B426
sacred cosmic force-bearing substances B587
sacred substance-forces B588 ff
of striving B157 ff B169 B173 ff
subjectively natural inner forces B1042
unclean force or evil spirit, concerning menstruation B1113
of weight B74
Autoegocrat and Trogoautoegocrat: forces coming from outside B752 ff; new system of the functioning of the forces B753
brain or localization: every such formation called brain, receives its formation from those crystallizations, the affirming source for whose arising, according to the sacred Triamazikamno, is one or another of the corresponding holy forces of the fundamental sacred Triamazikamno, localized in the Omnipresent-Okidanokh; and further actualizations of the same holy forces proceed by means of the presences of the beings, just through these localizations B143
initial impetus: in our Great Megalocosmos, there is a law: one must always and in everything guard just against the initial impetus, because on acquiring momentum, it becomes a force which is the fundamental mover of everything existing in the Universe, and which leads everything back to Prime Being B945
intelligentsia: force-in-oneself B1080
submission: when an event is impending which arises from forces immeasurably greater than our own, one must submit B57
SEE source