
Holy God, I Holy Firm, / Holy Immortal, / Have mercy on us B752
God-the-Father, God-the-Son, God-the-Holy-Ghost: the three holy forces of the Sacred Triamazikamno B3 B752
each of them is the image of God, not of that God which they have in their bobtailed picturings, but of the real God, by which word we sometimes still call our common Megalocosmos B775; see similar

they picture this famous God of theirs exactly as an Old Jew B777

image of God B41 B775-6 B1028 B1189

God-like beings B204 B1234

in-the-likeness-of-God B193 B197

anti-God acts B197

Word-God, Theomertmalogos B756 B760

sacred Amarhoodan, or, help-for-God B783

Helping-God-Dionosks B795

Choot-God-Litanical-period B745 B765 B797

used in mottos and names of brotherhoods B349 B368 B1063

the existence of every being is equally precious and dear to our Common Creator God Who is overburdened with the care and sorrow of all that exists among us on Earth — head of the Tibetan group of Seven B723

invented or imaginary gods and idols B182 B187-8 B190 B216ff. B223 B422

their inner god Self-Love B1016 and B34 B198 B291 B338 B340 B343 B393 B396 B499 B502 B514 B557 B599 B1216 B1232

Evilinnergod self-calming: B105 B624 B688 B782 B954 B1060 B1144; see calm

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