
Concerning Triamazikamno and Heptaparaparshinokh:
try very hard to understand everything that will relate to both these fundamental cosmic sacred laws, since knowledge of these laws, particularly knowledge relating to the particularities of the sacred Heptaparapar-shinokh, will help you in the future to understand very easily and very well all the second-grade and third-grade laws of World-creation and Worldexistence-Beelzebub to Hassein B755 ff.; and B84 B137 B244 ff B750
present-day objective cosmic science formulates it: the-line-of-the-flow-of-forces-constantly-deflecting-according-to-law-and-uniting-again-at-its-ends B750
Beelzebub’s explanations: B470 ff. B750 ff. B813 ff passim
Our Endlessness decided to change the functioning of the law B753 ff.

askokin B84
law-conformable Fractions B123
Trogoautoegocratic-process B137; see Trogoautoegocrat
Omnipresent-Okidanokh B139
Buddha’s explanation of cosmic truths B244 ff
wheat yield on Mars B266
the illness named to-wiseacre B273
Naloo-osnian-spectrum-of-impulses B405
lawful inexactitudes B461 ff. B493 B517 ff. B522
days of the week B464
examples of transmission of knowledge to future generations through lawful inexactitudes B465 ff B475 ff B482
deviations from the lawful sequence of sensations B467
tonalities-of-color B470
lawful associations and otherwises B482
lawful divergencies B493
lawful illogicality B522
the organ Kundabuffer B673
the sacred Almznoshinoo B728
Autoegocrat B750
Okrualno: the periodic repetition in them of the completing process of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh B762
Keschapmartnian beings B771
Triakrkomnian beings B772 ff
the whole common presence of terrestrial three-brained beings similar to our Megalocosmos B779
the evolution of substances used as first being-food B781 ff. B791 ff.
active elements B785
higher being-bodies B797
a concrete example of certain peculiarities of the law B806 ff.
the evolution and involution of the law B808
bread B951
Atlantis: Tazaloorinono, that branch of almost normal science the sense of which meant the-seven-aspectness-of-every-whole-phenomenon B821 B831

China: a similar branch of genuine knowledge, the law of Ninefoldness B831 B841 B865 B872 ff.; SEE Shat-Chai-Mernis

the Babylonian period: called the Law of Sevenfoldness B461 ff. B467 B470 B476 ff B482 B493 B517

Bokhara: the experiments of Hadji-Asvatz-Troov B871 ff

the common-cosmic Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh B139 B785 ff B792

being-Heptaparaparshinokh B787 B792

SEE PARTICULARLY deflection, Harnel-Aoot, law, octave, stopindek, vibration

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