
” It was those who became worthy to become such an All-the-rights-possessing brother of the brotherhood Heechtvori who were first called by the name of ‘priest’. “For your complete elucidation concerning the Very Saintly Activities of Ashiata Shiemash, you must also know that afterwards, when all the results of the Very Saintly Labors of the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash were destroyed, both this word priest there and also the word ate about which I have already told you, were used and still continue to be used by your favorites down to present time in two quite different senses. In one sense this word priest was since then and now still is commonly used, but only in certain places and for unimportant separate groups of those professionals existing there whom everybody now calls there ‘confessors’ or ‘clergymen. BTG XXVII

“These exclusively particular properties of their psyche which I have just named, utterly unbecoming to three-brained beings, were already fully crystallized in the presences of most of your favorites, and were the inevitable attributes of the psyche of every one of them even before the period of the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash; but when there began to be fixed and to flow automatically in the process of their being-existence the new form of existence intentionally implanted in them by Ashiata Shiemash himself, then these strange properties, previously present in their psyche, entirely disappeared from the presences of most of the three-brained beings there. Later, however, when they themselves destroyed all the results of the Very Saintly Labors of this Essence-Loving Ashiata Shiemash, these same psychic properties maleficent for themselves gradually again arose anew in all of them, and, for them the contemporary three-brained beings there, they are already the foundation of the whole of their essence. BTG XXVII

“Well then, my boy, at the time when the results of the Very Saintly Labors of the Essence-loving Ashiata Shiemash had already begun to blend with the processes of what is called their ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ being-existence, and when thanks to this, data for the Divine impulse conscience, surviving in their subconsciousness, gradually began to share in the functioning of their ‘waking-consciousness’, then the being-existence both personal and reciprocal began to proceed on this planet also, almost as it does on the other planets of our great Universe on which three-brained beings exist. BTG XXVII

“At that period the counsel and guidance and in general every word of these chiefs, became law for all the three-brained beings there, and were fulfilled by them with devotion and joy; not as it had proceeded there before the results obtained by the Very Saintly Labors of Ashiata Shiemash, nor as it again proceeded and still continues to proceed since they themselves destroyed the fruits of his Very Saintly Labors. BTG XXVII

“The results of the Very Saintly Labors of Ashiata Shiemash were then also very definitely reflected in respect of that terrible peculiarity of the manifestation of the psyche of your favorites, namely, in their ‘irresistibleurge-for-the-periodic-destruction-of-each-other’s-existence’. BTG XXVII

“But the most astonishing and significant result of the Very Saintly Labors of Ashiata Shiemash was that at that period not only did the duration of the existence of these unfortunates become a little more normal, that is to say, it began to increase, but also what they call the ‘death rate’ also diminished, and at the same time the number of their results manifested for the prolongation of their generation, that is, as they say, their ‘birth rate’, diminished to at least a fifth. BTG XXVII

XXVIII The chief culprit destruction of all the Cery Saintly Labors of Ashiata Shiemash BTG XXVIII

According to the associative flow of my tales concerning the three-brained beings breeding on the planet Earth who have taken your fancy, I must now, my boy, without fail explain to you a little more about those two powerful communities there named ‘Greeks’ and ‘Romans’, who made a ‘clean sweep’ from the surface of that ill-fated planet of even the memory of the results obtained from the Most Saintly Labors of the Essence-loving Ashiata Shiemash. BTG XXIX

“And about these, from the point of view of your contemporary favorites, ‘very-ancient’ communities, I must furthermore not fail to explain to you and possibly in detail, because not only did they then, as I have already said, make a clean sweep from the face of that unfortunate planet of the last results beneficial for all the three-brained beings of all subsequent epochs, and even of all traces of the memory of the Very Saintly Labors of the Essence-loving Ashiata Shiemash, but they were also the cause that real ‘nonsense’ already proceeds in the Reasons of the contemporary favorites of yours, and that there is completely atrophied in them that ‘fundamental-being-impulse’ which is the main lever of objective morality, and which is called ‘organic shame’. BTG XXIX

“Although the whole totality of causes serves as the sources for the arising of the second factor, yet in my opinion the basic cause also in the given case is nevertheless this fact, that their famous ‘subdivision-into-castes’ becomes established among them regarding their mutual relationship among themselves, which subdivision has constantly existed there with the exception only of that period when there was definitely rooted among them the results of the Most Saintly Labors of Ashiata Shiemash. BTG XXXIV

“During my observations on the process of the existence of these peculiar three-brained beings, there had been many times actualized from Above, in the common presences of certain of them, the germs of these Sacred Individuals and almost on each occasion — with the exception only of the Most Most Sacred Ashiata Shiemash, and all connected with Him which flowed from His own Most Great Labors — after their completed formation and their fulfillment of the mission imposed on them from Above, when the process of the sacred Rascooarno was completed with them, such religious teachings always began in the mentioned way to arise among these peculiar beings there, i.e., they, at first, as I said, collected into one whole all that was indicated and explained in detail by these Sacred Individuals intentionally actualized from Above, for the purpose of remembering it all themselves and also for the purpose of transmission to subsequent generations, yet, of course, into one whole which they collected from the very beginning, as it is said there, ‘from-bits-here-and-there’, and later, as all of this which was collected together fell into the hands of just those two mentioned types there, well, just then they began, as I already expressed it, ‘to peck at’ all this, and further dividing themselves up into their famous what are called sects, already compose new fantastic religious teachings thought out by themselves, as a result of which there always obtains on this planet of yours, firstly, a large number of religions as numerous as the colors in the ‘rainbow’, and secondly, as it is said, ‘the-same-old-story’. BTG XXXVIII

“It is possible that the Kurd Atarnakh, being an unusual terrestrial being, would have understood this also if he had known the details of the results that had been obtained after those conditions of being-existence had been already more or less established on this planet, which were especially created for the three-brained beings arising there by the Most Saintly Labors of the ‘essence-loving’ Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash. BTG XLIII

This Hymn consists of the following words: Thou Long Patient CREATOR Of ALL That Breathes, Thou Abundantly LOVING CAUSE Of ALL That Exists, Thou Unique VANQUISHER Of The Merciless Heropass, Now To The Sounds Of Our Glorifying Only Rejoice And Abide In Beatitude. By Thy Unprecedented Labors Thou Hast Given Us The Beginning Of Our Arisings, By Thy Vanquishing Of The Heropass Have We Obtained The Possibility Of Perfecting Ourselves To The Sacred Anklad. And Now Only Rest, As Merited, And We, In Gratitude, Will Maintain All That Thou Hast Created And Always And In All Things Will Extol Thee Forever, Extol Thee MAKER-CREATOR Thou, The Beginning Of All Ends, Thou, Proceeding From Infinity, Thou, Having The End Of All Things Within Thyself, Thou, Our ENDLESS ENDLESSNESS. BTG XLVII

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