“To tell the truth, this old man had remained with him only on account of old age which, owing to ABNORMAL BEING-EXISTENCE most of the beings there reach; that is to say, on account of his complete uselessness for anything required under the conditions of being-existence there.BTG XIX
“‘In this present period of the flow of time, when the ABNORMAL BEING-EXISTENCE of the three-brained beings of your planet, particularly of the beings arising and existing on that part of the surface of the Earth which is called Pearl-land, is already beginning seriously to hinder the normal harmonious existence of the whole of this solar system my essence is manifested among you from Above, in order that here on the spot, it may, together with your own essences find ways and means under the conditions already fixed here, of freeing your presences from the said consequences, now present in them, owing to the absence of foresight on the part of certain Most Saintly Final Cosmic Results’.BTG XXI
“I must tell you first of all, that on account of a cause also ensuing from the ABNORMAL BEING-EXISTENCE there, there was long ago crystallized, and there is periodically intensified in its functioning in the presences of those strange three-brained beings arising and existing on the planet Earth, a strange factor which from time to time produces in their presences a ‘crescendo impulse’, owing to which, during the periods of its action, they wish at all costs to find out whether they have descended from these apes or whether these apes have descended from them.BTG XXIII
“But later when, as I have already said, most of them began to exist in a way unbecoming to three-brained beings, Great Nature was constrained to change their Foolasnitamnian-existence into an existence according to the principle of Itoklanoz, and when gradually in the presences of most of them those definite crystallizations foreseen by Great Nature – which crystallizations are the most important part of the composition of the second-being-food, and which when assimilated by beings are transformed into substances for the coating and for the further perfecting of their higher-body-Kesdjan – ceased, owing to their ABNORMAL BEING-EXISTENCE, to be assimilated either consciously or automatically for the purpose indicated, then in consequence of this and also because the afflux of these substances, transformed in other concentrations and getting into the atmospheres of the planets, continued all the time to flow into the atmosphere of your planet, the result was that on this ill-fated planet, among your unfortunate favorites, there arose still another definite ‘disease’ which has already become quite definite in its harmful action upon them.BTG XXXII
“It was just before our departure from this underground domain, that is, from that place on your planet, which among other things, convinced me that the results of the attainments of the Reason of the former three-brained beings, their ancestors, have not even there been entirely lost. Even if the subsequent generations of the beings of this strange planet cease to transmute in themselves the cosmic truths discovered by their ancestors, yet although their already discovered truths have not progressed as is everywhere proper because of their ABNORMAL BEING-EXISTENCE, they are nevertheless automatically concentrated in that strange underground kingdom of your planet, to await further perfection and elaboration for subsequent three-brained beings.BTG XLI
“So in this way, thanks to the explanations of my ‘Kesdjanian-result-outside-of-me’, in the first place it became indubitably clear to me concerning the maleficent action, already begun, of the results of the ordinary ABNORMAL BEING-EXISTENCE of the three-brained beings who have taken your fancy; and secondly, the disturbing question of my old friend was solved of itself, namely, why during recent times it had become more and more difficult for the three-brained beings of the planet Mars to perfect themselves.BTG XLV