Active Element Okidanokh

SEE elements

“In those days it was possible for the three-brained beings to pass through these places only, as they say, ‘by day’, that is to say, when in the atmosphere of their planet the process of ‘Aieioiuoa’ proceeds in the ACTIVE ELEMENT OKIDANOKH. BTG XXII

“And later, when the same constant abnormal conditions of ordinary being-existence were finally established as a consequence of which Great Nature was compelled, for reasons of which I have already once told you, among other limitations, also to degenerate the functioning of their organ of sight into what is called ‘Koritesnokhnian’, that is to say, into the sight proper to the presences of one-brained and two-brained beings, then thereafter they were able to perceive the visibility of their great as well as their small concentrations situated beyond them only when the sacred process ‘Aieioiuoa’ proceeded in the Omnipresent ACTIVE ELEMENT OKIDANOKH in the atmosphere of their planet, or, as they themselves say – according to their understanding and their own perceptions – ‘on dark nights’. BTG XXIII

“In order, my boy, that the sense of this latter emblem put into the material called there amber, may become quite comprehensible to you, I must add that amber is one of those seven planetary formations, in the arising of which the Omnipresent ACTIVE ELEMENT OKIDANOKH takes part with all its three separate, independent, sacred parts, in equal proportion; and in the process of planetary actualization, these intraplanetary and surplanetary formations serve for what is called the ‘impeding’ of the independent flow of these three localized independent sacred parts”. BTG XXIII