
Sacred Individuals ACTUALIZEd from Above: Ashiata Shiemash, Buddha, Christ, Krishnatkharna, Lama, Mohammed, Moses B847 B353 B697 ff B732; see coating

two facts ACTUALIZEd in their common presences B564 ff

actualizability B1002

and B131 B143 B245 B696

Actualizer: of Everything Existing in the Whole of the Universe B1209; and B1120

being with presences for actualizing the hope of our Common Father B236
being-Partkdolg-duty, used throughout, e.g., B409 B1179
what is foreordained B1219
the all-universal Actualizing B1227
and B137 B143 B145 B406 B569 B1140