Aim of:
Adherents-of-Legominism B485; consider also B454
Society Akhaldan, the striving to become aware of the sense and AIM of the Being of beings B297; and B211 B298
Ashiata Sheimash B348 B354
Atarnak B1100
Beelzebub B207 B233 B531 B558 B594 B608
Belcultassi B294 ff
Gurdjieff: as a boy B39; consider also, From the Author BTG LXVIII B1184 ff.; each one of us must set for his chief AIM to become in the process of our collective life, a master B1236
Harharkh and his son Rakhoorkh B1152
Hassein B1117
Konuzion B216
Lentrohamsanin’s parents B394
Mohammed B710
societies formed to abolish reciprocal destruction B1062 ff; they do not like to occupy themselves with such affairs which are within their Reason and within their power, but occupy themselves always with decisions of such questions which are incomparably higher than their Reason B1073
Theophany B820
certain beings of the continent Atlantis of its latest period even began to consider these same processes of the absorption of these higher being-foods as the chief AIM of their existence B783
Choon-Kil-Tez and Choon-Tro-Pel: from the very beginning of their responsible age they almost became such as three-brained beings everywhere on the planets of our great Megalocosmos become who choose the same Aim, those who carry out all their studied researches not for the satisfaction of their vainglorious, proud and self-loving weaknesses-as is done by the beings there, particularly the contemporary ones who choose the same field for themselves-but for the attainment of a higher gradation of Being B823
egoistic AIMs B492 B689 B692 B694 B697 B1048 B1159; and vainglorious B1063 ff B1068
scientific B429
pursuing a single AIM B1199
impulses, which constrain us to act, to attain to something, and to strive for some AIM B1225
and B31 B115 B189 B1085
Aim and sense of existence:
and he must know all this, concerning the holy planet, in order to strive to exist in that direction which corresponds just to the AIM and sense of existence, which striving is the objective lot of every three-brained being, in whom the germ arises for the coating of a higher-being-body B748
the sacred Determinator-of-Reason, by which not only are the gradations of their Reason measured, but there is also determined their degree-of-justification-of-the-sense-and-AIM-of-their-existence B769; and B791
the aspect of this fundamental question is so important for the understanding of a great deal that proceeds there on Earth B1105
commandment: the highest AIM and sense of human life is the striving to attain the welfare of one’s neighbor B1186; and B514
according to the two principles of being-existence: Foolasnitamnian and Itoklanos B130 ff.
that all other beings should call and consider their country the Center-of-Culture B186
the destruction of pearl-bearing beings for the gratification of their quite absurd egoism B231
the inner overlord, self-calming, which by itself became the sense and AIM of their existence, concerning the Trusteeship B609
young and still unformed beings who do not even begin to be aware of B1023
and B294 ff B297 ff B755 B1094 B1117 B1209
SEE decision, intention, sense