
“‘And when after twenty-four hours we passed the electric current thus obtained into the said accumulators through our vibrometers, then it turned out that although its AMPERAGE was not sufficient, yet the number of vibrations obtained from that electric current remained unchanged and absolutely uniform during all the time of its flow through my vibrometers. BTG XLI

“‘To increase the force of the electric current obtained in this peculiar way, he made “condensers” of various materials, namely, from goatskins, from a certain kind of “clay”, crushed “zinc ore” and “pine resin” and in this way there was obtained the electric current required for the AMPERAGE and voltage for the Roentgen apparatus he had brought. BTG XLI

“‘Then after laying that ore in the bed of the stream he very simply connected from the stream two what are called terminals to the slightly charged accumulators which he himself had brought, and owing to this, the electric current of the famous what is called “AMPERAGE” began to flow into these accumulators. BTG XLI