“It was seven centuries before the Babylonian events I have spoken of, that there was actualized in the planetary body of a three-brained being there a ‘definitized’ conception of a sacred Individual named ASHIATA SHIEMASH, who became there in his turn a Messenger from Above, and who is now already one of the Highest Most Very Saintly common-cosmic Sacred Individuals.
“ASHIATA SHIEMASH had his conception in the planetary body of a boy of a poor family descended from what is called the ‘Sumerian Race’, in a small place then called ‘Pispascana’ situated not far from Babylon.
“He grew up and became a responsible being partly in this small place and partly in Babylon itself, which was at that time, although not yet magnificent, already a famous city.
“The Very Saintly ASHIATA SHIEMASH was the only Messenger sent from Above to your planet who succeeded by His holy labors in creating on that planet conditions in which the existence of its unfortunate beings somewhat resembled for a certain time the existence of the three-brained beings of the other planets of our great Universe on which beings exist with the same possibilities; and He was also the first on that planet Earth, who for the mission preassigned to Him refused to employ for the three-brained beings of that planet the ordinary methods which had been established during centuries by all the other Messengers from Above.
“The Very Saintly ASHIATA SHIEMASH taught nothing whatever to the ordinary three-brained beings of the Earth, nor did He preach anything to them, as was done before and after Him by all the Messengers sent there from Above with the same aim.
“And in consequence, chiefly of this, none of His teachings passed in any form from His contemporaries even to the third generation of ordinary beings there, not to mention the contemporary ordinary beings there.
“Definite information relating to His Very Saintly Activities passed from generation to generation from the contemporaries of the Very Saintly ASHIATA SHIEMASH to the beings of the following generations through those called there ‘initiates’, by means of a certain what is called ‘Legominism’ of His deliberations under the title of ‘The Terror-of-the-Situation’.
“In addition to this, there has survived from the period of His Very Saintly Activities and there still exists even till now, one of several what are called ‘marble tablets’ on which were engraved His ‘counsels’ and ‘commandments’ and ‘sayings’ to the beings contemporary with Him.
“And at the present time this surviving tablet is the chief sacred relic of a small group of initiated beings there, called the ‘Brotherhood-Olbogmek’ whose place of existence is situated in the middle of the continent Asia.
“The name Olbogmek means, ‘There are not different religions, there is only one God’.
“When I was personally on the surface of your planet for the last time, I happened by chance to become acquainted with the Legominism which transmits to the initiated men-beings of the planet Earth of remote generations these deliberations of the Saintly ASHIATA SHIEMASH under the title of ‘The Terror-of-the-Situation’.
“The Legominism was of great assistance to me in elucidating certain strange aspects of the psyche of these peculiar beings – just those strange aspects of their psyche which, with all my careful observations of them during tens of centuries, I had previously been unable to understand in any way whatsoever”. (B347)