” ‘Hydrogen’ 192 is the air of our ATMOSPHERE which we breathe. Fragments: Nine
“The second barrier is very often the conquest of fear. A man usually has many unnecessary, imaginary fears. Lies and fears — this is the ATMOSPHERE in which an ordinary man lives. Just as the conquest of lying is individual, so also is the conquest of fear. Every man has fears of his own which are peculiar to him alone. These fears must first be found and then destroyed. The fears of which I speak are usually connected with the lies among which a man lives. You must realize that they have nothing in common with the fear of spiders or of mice or of a dark room, or with unaccountable nervous fears. Fragments: Eleven
‘Take for instance man. He feeds on ‘hydrogen’ 768, breathes ‘hydrogen’ 192, and lives in ‘hydrogen’ 192. There is no other being like him on our planet. Although there are beings higher than he is. Animals such as the dog can feed on ‘hydrogen’ 768 but they can also feed on a lower ‘hydrogen’ not 768 but approaching 1536, food of a kind impossible for man. A bee feeds on a ‘hydrogen’ much higher than 768, even higher than 384, but it lives in a hive in an ATMOSPHERE where man could not live. From an outward point of view man is an animal. But he is an animal of a different order from all other animals. Fragments: Sixteen