B999 <=> B1001 (BTG XLII Beelzebub in America, p. 1000)
“’In other countries of Europe this, as they now call it, “Asiatic system” scarcely exists. It has almost everywhere been exchanged for the American system with its comfortable, polished “easy chairs” upon which I, personally, could only rest and read the book called the Decameron.
“’And so, my honorable Doctor, when I suddenly remembered this habit of mine, I at once understood without any further doubt, that if I had hitherto escaped being infected with some filthy disease, it was solely because I frequently wash my sex organs with cold water.’
“Having said these last words, this sympathetic young Persian extended his arms upwards and with his whole being exclaimed:
“’Blessed forever be the memory of those who created for us that beneficial custom.’
“He said nothing further for a long while but looked pensively at a party of Americans sitting nearby who were discussing at that moment whether women dress better in England or in America; and then he suddenly turned to me with the following words:
“’My highly esteemed and honorable Doctor!
“’During my acquaintance with you I have become quite convinced that you are well educated and as is said very well read.
“’Will you be so kind as to give me your weighty opinion, so that I might at last understand and solve one problem which during recent years has aroused my curiosity and which when I am comparatively sober often arises in me and disturbs my thoughts.
“’The point is, that living here in Europe where people profess the religion whose followers compose almost half the world, I have not up to now come across a single good custom in their ordinary life, whereas among us who profess the Mohammedan religion, there are very many.