B1002 <=> B1004 (BTG XLII Beelzebub in America, p. 1003)
“’At its origin there entered into this Christian religion, besides those specially established regulations for ordinary existence which met the needs of the contemporaries of Jesus Christ, also many excellent customs which were already in existence and had become well fixed in the life of the people who were followers of the Judaic religion.
“’Even those good customs which now exist among you in the Mohammedan religion were transmitted to you from the Judaic religion. Take, for example, just that custom of “sooniat” or circumcision which you mentioned. This custom was at first contained in this Christian religion also, and in the beginning was obligatorily and strictly carried out by all its followers. Only subsequently did it very quickly and suddenly entirely disappear from the Christian religion.
“’If you wish, my young friend, I will tell you in detail about the arising of this custom, and you will understand from it why a custom so good for the health and normal life of people was included in the Judaic religion, and since the Judaic doctrine was made the basis of the Christian religion, this custom also could not fail to be taken over and introduced into the process of the ordinary life of the followers of the Christian religion.
“’This custom which you call sooniat was first created and introduced into the Judaic religious doctrine by the Great Moses.
“’And why the Great Moses introduced this custom into the religion of the Judaic people I learned from a very ancient Chaldean manuscript.
“’It was said in this manuscript that when the Great Moses was the leader of the Judaic people and conducted them from the land of Egypt to the land of Canaan he constated the fact during the journey that among the youths and children of the people confided to him from Above, there was very widely spread the disease then called “Moordoorten” which contemporary people call onanism.