B1048 <=> B1050 (BTG XLII Beelzebub in America, p. 1049)
“In this connection, the so to say ‘piquancy’ of the strangeness of the mentation of your favorites is that there never occurs in their mentation the process called ‘to ponder’ in order to understand if only approximately the true causes of the possession by others of that on account of which there arise in them ‘envy,’ ‘greed,’ ‘jealousy,’ and so on.
“And so, my boy, in spite of the fact that as far as the acquisition and hence the possession of the results attained by the conscious labors and intentional sufferings of the three-brained beings of past epochs of their planet are concerned, the beings of their new group have absolutely nothing at all, but consist as to inner content as well as to exterior manifestations, only of everything bad that exists among contemporary beings of other independent groupings – solely because in recent times they have accidentally become the possessors of just that which in the objective sense is most despicable, yet which, owing in general to the fixed abnormal conditions of the ordinary existence of these unfortunates is considered desirable – nevertheless the beings of all the other groupings now imitate to the full everything they invent.
“Of all the maleficent inventions of the beings of this contemporary grouping which have accidentally acquired authority, the most harmful for their common presences – in respect of the possibility of rectifying in the future the so to say already actualized maleficences – must be considered the practice they have established of passing a great part of the time of their existences in high houses.
“In order that you may clearly picture to yourself the significance of all the harm from just this invention of theirs, I must first of all explain to you the following:
“Do you remember, when I spoke to you about that ‘maleficent means’ existing there at the present time called ‘sport,’ I said that the duration of the existence of these favorites of yours was in the beginning also Fulasnitamnian, that is to say, they had to exist until their body Kesdjan was completely coated in them and perfected up to the required gradation of Reason, and that afterwards, when very abnormal conditions of ordinary being-existence began to be established there, Great Nature was constrained to actualize their presences and also the subsequent process of their existence on the principle of Itoklanoz, that is, according to the results of certain surrounding causes.