
B1052 <=> B1054 (BTG XLII Beelzebub in America, p. 1053)

“And thus all those attending these ‘schools’ and all readers of these ‘manuals’ being themselves in regard to Being and in regard to information concerning reality exactly such types as our Teacher Mullah Nassr Eddin defined by the words ‘nullities with an atmosphere of unendurable vibrations’ began according to these indications to wiseacre; and since in the first place thanks to various other abnormalities fixed in the conditions of the ordinary existence of the beings of this new grouping, the process of reading has previously in general become an organic need of theirs, and secondly, that it was possible to appreciate the contents of any composition exclusively only by reading it through, and all the other beings of this continent, seduced, what is more, by all kinds of, as they say there, ‘loud’ titles read and read, then parallel with this, it was definitely noticeable how their mentation, which had already, so to say, become ‘diluted’ without this, continued to become more ‘diluted’ and still more ‘diluted.’

“I did not lightly say that if by that time their descendants still continue to arise, because among other things I then noticed that same extraordinary particularity in respect of the consequences of the new formation of the planetary body of beings of the female sex which I had already once noticed long before in the process of the ordinary existence of these strange three-brained beings, and parallel with this, I minutely constated among other special observations, the consequences ensuing from this particularity.

“This extraordinary fact occurred there before the loss of the continent Atlantis, in the process of the existence of a small group of three-brained beings who were concentrated from various large groupings of that time and who existed in isolation on the then famous island called ‘Balakhanira,’ situated on the west of Atlantis and which was engulfed within the planet at the same time as Atlantis itself.