B1053 <=> B1055 (BTG XLII Beelzebub in America, p. 1054)
“The continuation of the race of this small group ceased owing to this same strange particularity of the formation of the planetary body of the beings of the female sex, and this form of cessation of the race was then called by the learned members of the society Akhaldan, ‘Dezsoopsentoziroso.’
“This extraordinary particularity was that several centuries before the final cessation of their race, there began gradually to narrow in their beings of the female sex what is called the pelvis.
“The progressiveness of this narrowing was such that two centuries before the final cessation of their race, they were already producing all the accidental conceptions in them and the so to say ‘haphazard’ forming of these conceptions for their appearance, as is said there, ‘in God’s World’ by the means then called ‘Sitrik,’ namely, by means of what is now called Caesarian operations.
At this point of Beelzebub’s tales, what is called a “cross-current” or “agitation” began in the ether which penetrated the whole of the ship Karnak. This signified that the passengers of the ship Karnak were summoned to the “Djamdjampal,” that is, that “refectory” of the ship in which all the passengers together periodically fed on the second and first being-foods.
So Beelzebub, Hassein, and Ahoon ceased their conversation and hastily went off to the Djamdjampal.