B1067 <=> B1069 (BTG XLIII Beelzebub’s opinion of war, p. 1068)
“In this manner all such societies formed there usually begin.
“These beings might, perhaps, somehow or other achieve good results, but the evil lies in this, that, as a rule, other of these terrestrial important and power-possessing beings very soon enter such societies and begin to take part in them.
“These latter enter and take part in the tasks of such societies not because their conscience also begins to speak – far from it. They join only because, according to all those same abnormally established conditions of ordinary being-existence, they, being important and power-possessing, must as a matter of course be members of and participate in every ‘important’ society.
“When these other terrestrial important and power-possessing beings enter such societies and also begin to participate in their affairs, then they, with their personal egoistic and vainglorious aims, as a rule not only very soon send all the tasks of the society and everything that has been done by the beings with ‘resurrected consciences’ as is said ‘flying up the chimney,’ but as a rule, they also very soon, as it is also said there, ‘put genuine spokes into the wheels of the first founders of these societies.’
“And therefore, these societies of beings which are formed there for common-planetary welfare, always quickly die – and die, as I already told you, even without ‘death agony.’
“Concerning the effective results obtained from all these good beginnings of the important beings, our worthy Mullah Nassr Eddin has also a very wise saying, namely, he says:
“’Past centuries have shown us that Karabaghian asses will never sing like nightingales, nor will they refrain from indulging their noble taste for real Shooshoonian thistles.’
“Here apropos, it will be opportune for you also to know that during the long centuries of my attentive observations of the three-brained beings of the planet Earth I never once noticed that in any of the societies formed by them with the aim of jointly devising means for the happy existence of the great masses – which societies there, now and then, also happen to exist – did beings ever participate who had more or less objective Reason, to which, as I have already told you, many there did nevertheless attain by their perseverant efforts in their aim for self-perfection.