B1074 <=> B1076 (BTG XLIII Beelzebub’s opinion of war, p. 1075)
“I wish to point out to you one great ‘secret’ of their psyche, namely, I wish to point out to you only one particularity of theirs which, if you know how to profit by it, might create in each one of them the same effect in their manifestations about which Ahoon spoke.
“If you will act upon them through this same particularity, then you will not only be on very good terms with them all, but even, if you wish, you will be able, knowing this ‘secret’ of their psyche, fully to ensure your tranquil and happy existence there both as regards ‘money’ necessarily required there, as well as other conveniences, the taste and blissful significance of which our dear Teacher expressed by the words ‘Roses, Roses.’
“You, no doubt, my boy, have already guessed that by this secret of their psyche I refer just to this same, as I called it, ‘psycho-organic-need’ of theirs to ‘teach others sense’ and ‘to put them on the right road.’
“This special property formed in their psyche, thanks of course also always to the same abnormally established conditions of ordinary being-existence, becomes as it were – when each of them already becomes a responsible being – an obligatory part of his presence.
“Everyone there without exception has this ‘psycho-organic need’; old and young, men and women and even those whom they call ‘prematurely born.’
“The mentioned ‘particular need’ of theirs arises in them, in its turn, thanks to another particular property of theirs which is that from the very moment when each of them acquires the capacity of distinguishing between ‘wet’ and ‘dry,’ then, carried away by this attainment, he ceases forever to see and observe his own abnormalities and defects, but sees and observes those same abnormalities and defects in others.