B1083 <=> B1085 (BTG XLIII Beelzebub’s opinion of war, p. 1084)
“Although these types already existed in ancient Greece, also, yet they were then called there ‘plusiocrats.’
“Several centuries ago, however, when many of these ‘types’ were developed there and when it became clear that the other beings of the Earth had somehow to dignify them with a title, then those beings there who at that time were in charge of such questions invented for them this name plutocrat.
“It seems that they then deliberated and pondered a very long time precisely what name to invent for them. They deliberated and pondered a long time because they already very well understood that these types on their planet are scoundrels of the deepest dye, and already so to say, saturated by every kind of Hasnamussness to the marrow of their bones.
“At first in order to dignify them they wished to invent some or other very ‘forceful’ word corresponding to their inner significance; but later they became afraid of doing so, because these terrestrial types, thanks to what is called ‘ill-gotten’ gains, had already then acquired ‘force and power’ far greater perhaps than that of their kings. And they were afraid that if they dignified them by just such a word as would define their real significance, then they might be greatly offended and begin to do still more harm to the other beings; and therefore they ultimately decided to be cunning and invented this word thanks to which they could call them by their real name and at the same time appear to ‘dignify’ them.
“The mentioned beings of that time achieved this in the following way:
“As the title of these terrestrial types had of course also to be composed of two ancient Greek words and as all such names have the ancient Greek word ‘crat’ as their second half, then, in order that the new word might not strike anyone’s eye, they left in it this same ancient Greek consonance.