
B1098 <=> B1100 (BTG XLIII Beelzebub’s opinion of war, p. 1099)

“It was only after this categorical resolution was proposed when all the members without exception of that indeed serious society decided to begin that same day the complete liquidation of all their affairs; only then did that, in the opinion held there, truly learned, though very proud and self-loving Kurd Atarnakh ascend the cathedra and speak as follows:

“’My honorable colleagues:

“’I am very sincerely grieved that I have unintentionally been the cause of the dissolution of this great philanthropic undertaking, into which you, the most honorable and wise of all the countries of the Earth, have for several years put more impartial and unselfish labor than men of the Earth have ever been or ever again will be able to bear for others, that is, for men quite unknown and indifferent to them.

“’You have labored unceasingly for some years to obtain for the masses the most necessary welfare and, although I too have worked upon my theory for many years, also for people unknown to me, nevertheless it has been the cause of the frustration of your indefatigable labors and benevolent aspirations.

“’The consciousness that it seems that I am to blame for all the misunderstandings which have arisen among you has given me no peace during these last days, and I have been thinking and pondering all the time whether it is not possible somehow to repair this involuntary fault of mine.

“’And so, wise colleagues elected from the whole Earth, I wish to share with you the final conclusion to which these deliberations of mine have brought me.