B1101 <=> B1103 (BTG XLIII Beelzebub’s opinion of war, p. 1102)
“The destruction of the existence of other forms of beings was resumed there not only privately in houses, among their families, but also publicly in special places.
“But this time these special places were chiefly associated in a certain respect with the memory of Saint Mohammed, or with those around him.
“The number of these slaughters increased there by year to year to such an extent that already only some hundred or so of their years after the time of the arising of the society ‘The-Earth-Only-for-Men’ the number had amounted during one of their years in one single place alone to a hundred thousand of such beings as they had sacrificed in previous times, namely, ‘oxen,’ ‘sheep,’ ‘camels,’ and so on.
“During the last two centuries such special honored favorite places were the cities Mecca and Medina in Arabia, the city Meshed in the locality called Bagdad, the environs of Yeninishlak in Turkestan, and several others. . .
“In a word, there on the continent Asia, blood again ‘flowed like a river.’
“These sacrificial offerings were most frequent during the Mohammedan feasts called ‘Bairam’ and ‘Goorban,’ and likewise during the Christian feasts existing there under the name of ‘Shrovetide,’ ‘Saint George’s Day,’ and so on.
“In this way, my boy, afterward when thanks to the strenuous efforts of the members of the society ‘The-Earth-Only-for-Men’ there had again been implanted in three-brained beings there such an abnormality, then these terrible processes of theirs began indeed to proceed there less often and on a smaller scale, and through this the sporadic, relatively great, what is called ‘mortality’ was diminished, yet the general ‘mortality’ of the three-brained beings was not only not reduced by this but even increased, since owing to the continued progressive deterioration of their being-existence and in consequence owing to the deterioration of the quality of the radiative vibrations of their presences in the process of their existence required from them by Nature, the length of their existence on the one hand was still further diminished, and on the other hand their what is called ‘birth rate’ was increased.