B1131 <=> B1133 (BTG XLIV Understanding of justice, p. 1132)
“It was just during that period of his existence that he understood certain cosmic truths.
“And in consequence of the fact that data for the engendering of the being-impulse called ‘love-of-kind’ were still crystallized in him as in most of the three-brained beings of that period, then in order that other beings of his planet around him similar to him should also know about these truths which he had learned, he created out of marble a ‘Boolmarshano’ under the title of ‘The Affirming and Denying Influences on Man.’
“A Boolmarshano on the continent Atlantis was what the contemporary beings there have replaced by what they call ‘books.’
“An exact copy of the mentioned Boolmarshano made from the tusks of what are called ‘Chirniano,’ I happened to see personally later, namely, at my sixth descent there, and to decipher it rather in detail.
“As the information I learned concerning the question – in what way the said copy of the Boolmarshano incised with his own hand by Makary Kronbernkzion and which I happened to decipher during my last sojourn on your planet, remained intact and reached to the contemporary epoch – will be very instructive and interesting to you, I will briefly tell you about it.
“When the original of that Boolmarshano was created and sincerely admired and approved by the other learned members of the society Akhaldan, it was placed in the middle of the central what is called ‘cathedral’ of the beings belonging to that society.
“In consequence of the fact that the contents of the said Boolmarshano then began to interest a greater and greater number of the beings of that period, then the leaders of the mentioned society decided to make several copies of it in order to place them in the same way in all the branches of the Church in other cities of that same continent Atlantis as well as on other continents.