B1142 <=> B1144 (BTG XLIV Understanding of justice, p. 1143)
“The Angels, the bearers and spreaders of ‘Good,’ that is of the most high and most divine, being themselves high and divine, could never be seen or sensed by men.
“But as regards the Devils, they, having the lowest origin, that is to say, coming from ‘below’ itself, can on the contrary be seen by men.
“And if sometimes men do not actually see Devils, then this is only because of their ‘suggestion,’ and hence the visibility of the Devils for the perception of human sight increases in proportion to the increase of the ‘righteousness’ of people.
“When this new religious teaching was widely spread, certain of them, according to the tales of your ancestors, had information about the existence in former times among them of those beings who, as it were, were immortal and who suddenly disappeared; and it was just these beings who decided to spread the supposition that evidently they were just these same Devils who, foreseeing the arising of a true religious teaching and fearing that people in consequence would perhaps ‘find them out,’ made themselves invisible but continued in reality to exist among them.
“It was then that the real names of many beings of our tribe, which also chanced to reach in the said manner to the beings of the period when this mentioned religious teaching appeared, acquired a greater special meaning and passing from generation to generation; these names even reached to your contemporary favorites.
“To these names they have, up till now, continued to attribute all kinds of fantastic ‘roles,’ which, according to their imagination, must be present in those ‘corps’ of being-devils, which have been, as it were, specially organized by our CREATOR HIMSELF and sent to their planet to mock them.