B1145 <=> B1147 (BTG XLV Extraction of Electricity, p. 1146)
“Do you know, my boy? In consequence of the fact that all the events and conversations which served as the cause of the gradual elucidation and crystallization in me of the data for the indubitable conviction of such a common-cosmic distressing fact are in general very interesting, and might be for you very instructive, and, as only the reflections of the sphere of our dear Karatas are meanwhile visible, I will tell you also about this in somewhat greater detail.
In order to give you a fuller representation about why in my Being the data has been crystallized for the constating and thorough cognizing of this, I shall tell you, in its order, about what proceeded and shall begin from the moment, when, while still on this planet of yours, I first heard about my full pardon.
“As soon as I heard about this special most glorious act of grace toward me, I, of course, decided at that very moment to return at the first opportunity to the dear essence-place of my arising.
“And for this it was necessary for me first of all to ascend to the planet Mars in order thoroughly to prepare for such a long journey.
“Several days after having left your planet forever, I, as always, returned on our same Occasion to the planet Mars.