
B1167 <=> B1169 (BTG XLVI Form and sequence, p. 1168)

“It is these same formations in the common presences of three-brained beings which are actualized as the third holy force of the Sacred Triamazikamno for the arising of the Reason-of-Understanding.

“Only thanks to this factor, in the process of the blending of newly perceived impressions of every kind in the presences of three-brained beings, are there crystallized on the basis of the Sacred Triamazikamno data for one’s own cognizance and understanding proper to the being alone; and likewise exclusively only during such processes of the crystallization of the data for consciousness in the presences of three-brained beings does there proceed what is called ‘Zernofookalnian-friction’ thanks to which the sacred substances Abrustdonis and Helkdonis are chiefly formed in them for the coating and perfecting of their higher parts.

“I must tell you here that only the newly perceived impressions which are crystallized in the said order and which newly arise in beings from conscious mentation, settle in the localizations of beings, just in those series of formerly fixed data which are similar to these impressions and which correspond to those already present in them.

“And new impressions, crystallized in another order, that is through the Reason-of-knowing, settle in the being-localizations at random, quite without any kind of, so to say, ‘classification.’ All these new impressions settle in the series of those former impressions which almost always have nothing in common with them.

“Well then, it is chiefly for this reason that everything which has been newly learned settles in the presences of three-brained beings who have only the Reason-of-knowing and always remains only simply as information without any kind of cognizance by the whole of their Being.