B1168 <=> B1170 (BTG XLVI Form and sequence, p. 1169)
“And therefore new data of every kind, formed and fixed in this way for the three-brained beings who have the Reason-of-knowing, have in respect of their use no significance at all for the welfare of their own subsequent existence. Moreover, the duration of the decrystallization of this kind of fixed impressions depend on the quantity and the quality of the impulses engendered in the given being. As regards this latter fact ensuing from the already degenerated functioning of the Reason proper to the three-brained beings and which most of your contemporary favorites today already have, one also very rarely used saying of our respected teacher Mullah Nassr Eddin is remembered in me by association and is expressed by the following words:
“’As soon as anything is needed, it seems that it is filthy and eaten by mice.’
“Although every kind of what your favorites call ‘knowledge’ which they have and which has been acquired in the common prespresences of beings in the said manner, is also subjective, yet it has absolutely nothing in common with what is called ‘Objective Knowledge.’
“Well then, my boy, in order that the mentioned Zernofookalnian-friction should be obtained in beings, and that at the same time the crystallization of the new perceptions should proceed for the Reason-of-understanding I – already knowing very well what are called the ‘laws-of-the-fixing-and-unfixing-of-ideas-in-localizations,’ the details of which laws, to mention it, by the way, I learned also, thanks to the three-brained beings who have taken your fancy, during my sojourn among them as ‘professional hypnotist’ – had in view during my tales, among many other necessary principles in respect of the current perception of new information through guidance from without, always to keep also to the same inevitable rule, so that the gradualness of the enlarging of, as is said, the ‘quintessence of the information’ should proceed in you with the entire absence of the being-impulses of ‘indignation,’ ‘offense,’ ‘vexation,’ and so forth.