
B1183 <=> B1185 (BTG XLVIII From the Author, p. 1184)

Chapter XLVIII From the Author

AFTER six years of work, merciless toward myself and with almost continuously tense mentation, I yesterday at last completed the setting down on paper, in a form, I think, accessible to everybody, the first of the three series of books I had previously thought out and six years ago begun – just those three series in which I planned to actualize by means of the totality of the ideas to be developed, at first in theory and afterwards in practice, also by a means I had foreseen and prepared, three essential tasks I had set myself: namely, by means of the first series, to destroy in people everything which, in their false representations, as it were, exists in reality, or in other words “to corrode without mercy all the rubbish accumulated during the ages in human mentation”; by means of the second series, to prepare so to say “new constructional material”; and by means of the third, “to build a new world.”

Having now finished the first series of books, and, following the practice already long ago established on the Earth – never to conclude any great, as is said, “undertaking” without what some call an epilogue, others an afterword, and still others “from the author,” and so on – I also now propose to write something of the same kind for them.

With this end in view I very attentively read over this morning the “preface” I wrote six years ago entitled “The Arousing of Thought” in order to take corresponding ideas from it for a corresponding so to say “logical fusion” of that beginning with this conclusion which I now intend to write.