
B138 <=> B140 (BTG XVII The Arch-absurd, p. 139)

“Our sacred Theomertmalogos also, that is, the prime emanation of our Most Holy Sun Absolute, acquires just this same lawfulness, at its prime arising; and, during its further actualizations, gives results in accordance with it.

“And so, my boy, the Omnipresent-Okidanokh obtains its prime arising in space outside of the Most Holy Sun Absolute itself, from the blending of these three independent forces into one, and during its further involutions it is correspondingly changed, in respect of what is called the ‘Vivifyingness of Vibrations’ according to its passage through what are called the ‘Stopinders’ or ‘gravity-centers’ of the fundamental ‘common-cosmic sacred Heptaparaparshinokh.’

“I repeat, among the number of other already definite cosmic crystallizations, the Omnipresent-Okidanokh unfailingly always participates in both large and small cosmic formations, wherever and under whatever external surrounding conditions they may arise in the Universe.

“This ‘common-cosmic Unique-Crystallization’ or ‘Active-Element’ has several peculiarities proper to this element alone, and it is chiefly owing to these peculiarities proper to it, that the majority of cosmic phenomena proceed, including, among other things, the said phenomena that take place in the atmosphere of certain planets.

“Of these peculiarities proper to the Omnipresent-Active-Element alone, there are several, but it is enough, for the theme of our talk, if we become acquainted just with two of them.

“The first peculiarity is, that, when a new cosmic unit is being concentrated, then the Omnipresent-Active-Element’ does not blend, as a whole, with such a new arising, nor is it transformed as a whole in any definite corresponding place – as happens with every other cosmic crystallization in all the said cosmic formations – but immediately on entering as a whole into any cosmic unit, there immediately occurs in it what is called ‘Djartklom,’ that is to say, it is dispersed into the three fundamental sources from which it obtained its prime arising, and only then do these sources, each separately, give the beginning for an independent concentration of three separate corresponding formations, within the given cosmic unit. And in this way, this ‘Omnipresent-Active-Element’ actualizes, at the outset, in every such new arising, the sources for the possible manifestation of its own sacred law of Triamazikamno.