B181 <=> B183 (BTG XIX Beelzebub’s second descent, p. 182)
“’Although these Havatvernoni or Religions have nothing in common,’ continued His Conformity, ‘yet nevertheless in these particular religions of theirs there is very widely spread among the beings of all three groups the same custom called among them “Sacrificial-Offerings.”
“’And this custom of theirs is based on the notion, which can be cognized only by their strange Reason alone, that if they destroy the existence of beings of other forms in honor of their gods and idols, then these imaginary gods and idols of theirs would find it very, very agreeable, and always and in everything unfailingly help and assist them in the actualization of all their fantastic and wild fancies.
“’This custom is at present so widespread there, and the destruction of the existence of beings of various forms for this maleficent purpose has reached such dimensions, that there is already a surplus of the “Sacred Askokin” required from the planet Earth for its former parts, that is to say, a surplus of those vibrations which arise during the sacred process of “Rascooarno” of beings of every exterior form arising and existing on that planet from which the said sacred cosmic arising is required.