
B225 <=> B227 (BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 226)

“Soon after this decision, I sailed with Ahoon to the mouth of this river, and began to sail up against its current, having become persuaded that there had already passed from the beings of the city Gob to the beings of this group populating these large centers the same new customs and the same notions concerning Sacrificial-Offerings by the destruction of the existence of other beings.

“We finally arrived at a small town called ‘Arguenia’ which in those days was considered the most remote point of the country Maralpleicie.

“Here also there existed a fair number of beings of this second Asiatic group who were engaged chiefly in obtaining from Nature what is called ‘turquoise.’

“There in the small town of Arguenia I began, as usual, to visit their various Chaihana, and there also I continued my usual procedure.”