B334 <=> B336 (BTG XXIV Beelzebub’s fifth flight, p. 335)
“My friend, Hamolinadir, also had to report about some topic and therefore drew a lot; and it fell to him to speak fifth.
“The reporters who preceded him either reported upon new ‘theories’ they had invented or they criticized theories already existing and known to everybody.
“At last came the turn of this sympathetic Assyrian.
“He ascended what is called the ‘rostrum,’ and as he did so some attendants hung up a notice above it indicating on which subject the given reporter would speak.
“It was the custom at that time to do so.
“The notice announced that the reporter had taken as the theme of his report the ‘Instability-of-Human-Reason.’
“Thereupon, this terrestrial friend of mine first expatiated on the kind of structure which, in his opinion, the human ‘head-brain’ has, and in which cases and in what manner various impressions are perceived by the other brains of man, and how only after definite what is called ‘agreement’ between all the brains are the total results impressed on this head-brain.
“He spoke calmly at first, but the longer he spoke, the more agitated he became, until his voice rose to a shout, and shouting he began to criticize the Reason in man.
“And at the same time, he mercilessly criticized his own Reason.
“Still continuing to shout, he very logically and convincingly demonstrated the instability and fickleness of man’s Reason, and showed, in detail, how easy it is to prove and convince this Reason of anything you like.
“Although in the midst of the shouting of this terrestrial friend of mine, Hamolinadir, his sobbing could be heard, nevertheless, even while sobbing, he continued to shout. Further he said:
“’To every man, and also of course to me, it’s quite easy to prove anything; all that is necessary to know is which shocks and which associations to arouse in the other human brains while one or other “truth” is being proved. It is very easily possible even to prove to man that our whole World and of course the people in it, are nothing but an illusion, and that the authenticity and reality of the World are only a “corn” and moreover the corn growing on the big toe of our left foot. Besides this corn, absolutely nothing exists in the World; everything only seems, and even then only to “psychopaths-squared.” ‘