
B522 <=> B524 (BTG XXX Art, p. 523)

“And it is just because of this said ‘specific’ psyche of the beings there, representatives of contemporary art, that on the one hand what are called now ‘movements’ of art are always arising there among your favorites, and, on the other hand, that those which are somehow arranged rightly by the preceding generations even though only ‘after-a-fashion’ are constantly dwindling.

“Although this proceeds among the representatives of all the branches of contemporary art, yet for some reason or other it is the beings who are occupied in the branch they call ‘painting’ who are most susceptible to it.

“Hence it is that at the present time there exists among these contemporary professions a great many ‘new movements’ of painting which have arisen in this way and which have nothing in common among themselves. These new movements of painting are known there by the names of ‘cubism,’ ‘futurism,’ ‘synthesism,’ ‘imagism,’ ‘impressionism,’ ‘colorism,’ ‘formalism,’ ‘surrealism,’ and many other similar movements, whose names also end is ‘ism.’”

At this place in Beelzebub’s tale the hoofs of all the passengers of the transship Karnak suddenly, as it were, radiated from themselves “something phosphorescent.”

This meant that the ship Karnak was nearing the place of her destination, that is the planet Revozvradendr. Hence, a bustling movement began among the passengers preparing to descend from the ship.

Beelzebub, Hassein, and Ahoon ended their conversation and hurriedly began to prepare themselves also.

The phosphorescent gleaming of the hoofs was obtained because, concentrated in a particular proportion, there were directed from the engine room to that part of the ship the holy parts of the sacred Omnipresent Okidanokh.