B523 <=> B525 (BTG XXXI Last sojourn to Earth, p. 525)
Chapter XXXI The Sixth and Last Sojourn of Beelzebub on the Planet Earth
WHEN after two “Ornakres” the cosmic intersystem ship Karnak had left the spheres of the atmosphere of the planet Revozvradendr and began to fall back in the direction of the solar system ‘Pandeznokh’ on to the planet Karatas, Hassein, having sat down in his usual place, addressed Beelzebub with the following words:
“My dear and beloved Grandfather . . . be kind as always and tell me something more about the three-centered beings breeding on that planet which is called Earth.”
In reply to this, Beelzebub related about his sixth and last visit on the planet Earth.
He began thus: “I was on that planet for the sixth time just before I received my full pardon and permission to leave that most remote solar system situated even almost beyond the reach of the immediate emanations of the Omni Most Holy Sun Absolute, that is, just before my return here to the center of the Universe to the place of my arising, to the immediate bosom of our common UNI-BEING-ENDLESSNESS.
“This time, circumstances unexpectedly so came about that I had to exist there among these peculiar beings a fairly long time, namely, a little less than a year of our time, or, by the time calculation there, more than three hundred years.
“As initial cause of this last visit of mine to the surface of that planet which has pleased you, the following circumstances served: