B533 <=> B535 (BTG XXXI Last sojourn to Earth, p. 534)
“Well, when these representatives of various contemporary ‘powerful’ communities met in order collectively to choose one or another of the mentioned three languages, they could not settle upon any one of the three languages owing to the following considerations:
“Latin they found poor in the sense of the number of words.
“And indeed, my boy, the shepherds with their limited needs could not create a many-worded language; and although Latin became later on the language of a large community, yet beyond the special words required for orgies, they did not introduce into it anything that could suit the contemporary beings of your planet.
“And as regards the Greek language, then although by the wealth of its vocabulary it might indeed serve as a universal language for their whole planet, because these former fishermen, in ‘inventing’ every possible kind of fantastic ‘science,’ happened also to devise very many corresponding words which remained in that language, yet these representatives of the contemporary powerful communities could not fix their choice upon it owing to a peculiar particularity which also flows from this same strange psyche of theirs.
“The point is that all the beings assembled to select a common planetary language were representatives of communities which had become at the period of their contemporary civilization powerful, or, as they also say, ‘great.’