
B536 <=> B538 (BTG XXXI Last sojourn to Earth, p. 537)

“But meanwhile, by this time, as it proved, there had already been almost atrophied in them every kind of data for the arising in their presences of the being-impulse called ‘sincerity.’ And it was atrophied to such a degree that they no longer had the possibility, even if they wished, to be sincere, and not only with other beings but even with their own selves, that is, they already could not with one of their spiritualized parts criticize and judge another part of themselves impartially.

“It must be said here that my subsequent special researches revealed to me that the causes of the atrophying of the data, which should be in them also, for the possibility of being sincere with themselves, had one basis; while the causes of the atrophying of the possibilities of being sincere with others, had another.

“The basis for the atrophying of the first of the mentioned data is derived from the fact of the disturbance of the co-ordination of their common psyche.

“The point is that, then, at the beginning of this sixth existence of mine among them, on the one hand, in their general presences data yet continued always to be crystallized for the arising in them, as in all the three-brained beings in general, of the being impulse called ‘self-remorse,’ and which they themselves call ‘Remorse of Conscience’; while on the other hand every kind of their inner and outer manifestations in the ordinary process of their being-existence began to become always less and less becoming to three-brained beings.