B568 <=> B570(The following two paragraphs were missing from the 1950 edition)
“So, my boy, when the hypnotist, by modifying the tempo of their blood circulation, temporarily suspends the action of the localization of their false consciousness – now the ruling master of their common presence – the sacred data of their genuine consciousness can blend freely during their ‘waking’ state with the entire functioning of their planetary body; and if then he rightly assists the crystallization of data evoking in that localization an idea contrary to what has been fixed there, and directs the action of that idea upon the disharmonized part of the planetary body, an accelerated modification of the circulation of the blood in that part can be produced.
“During the period of the Tikliamishian civilization, when the learned beings from the country of Maralpleicie first discovered the possibility of such combinations in their common psyche and tried to put one another at will into that special state, they soon found out and understood how to obtain it with the help of what is called being-hanbledzoin, that cosmic substance whose essence the three-brained beings of contemporary civilization came close to understanding, and which they named animal magnetism.
“Since for the explanation of the given case and also perhaps for my following explanations, you must know more in detail concerning being-Hanbledzoin, I find it necessary before speaking further to inform you just now about this cosmic substance.
“Hanbledzoin is nothing else than the ‘blood’ of the Kesdjan body of the being; just as the cosmic substances called in totality blood serve for nourishing and renewing the planetary body of the being, so also Hanbledzoin serves in the same way for nourishing and perfecting the body Kesdjan.
“It is necessary to tell you that in general the quality of the composition of the blood in the three-brained beings and also in the common presences of your favorites depends on the number of the being-bodies already ‘completely formed.’
“Blood in the presences of the three-brained beings may be composed of substances arising through the transformation of three separate independent what are called ‘general-cosmic-sources-of-actualizing.’
(BTG XXXII Hypnotism, p. 569)
“The substances of that part of the being-blood which is designed by Nature for serving the planetary body of the being, arise by means of the transformation of substances of that planet on which the given beings are formed and exist.
“But the substances which are designed for serving the Kesdjan body of the being, and the totality of which is called Hanbledzoin, are obtained from the transformation of elements of other planets and of the sun itself of that system, where the given three-brained being has the place of his arising and existence.
“Finally, that part of the being-blood which almost everywhere is called the sacred being-Hanbledzoin, and only on certain planets is called the ‘sacred Aiëkhaldan,’ and which part serves the highest part of the being called the soul, is formed from the direct emanations of our Most Holy Sun Absolute.
“Substances required for the blood of the planetary body of the being enter into them through their ‘first-being-food,’ or, as your favorites say, ‘through food.’
“But the substances needed both for coating and for perfecting the higher-being-body-Kesdjan enter into their common presences through their, as they say, ‘breathing,’ and through certain what are called ‘pores’ of their skin.
“And the sacred cosmic substances required for the coating of the highest being-body, which sacred being-part of theirs, as I have already told you, they call soul, can be assimilated and correspondingly transformed and coated in them, just as in us, exclusively only from the process of what is called ‘Aiëirittoorassnian-contemplation’ actualized in the common presence by the cognized intention on the part of all their spiritualized independent parts.