B578 <=> B580 (BTG XXXIII Beelzebub as hypnotist, p. 580)
Chapter XXXIII Beelzebub as Professional Hypnotist
BEELZEBUB continued to relate further as follows:
“When I existed among your favorites as a professional hypnotist I made my elucidating experiments upon their psyche chiefly by means of that said particular state of theirs, which the contemporary beings there call the ‘hypnotic state.’
“For bringing them into this state, I had at first recourse to the same means by which the beings of the period of the Tikliamishian civilization brought each other into this state, namely, by acting upon them with my own Hanbledzoin.
“But when later there often began to arise in my common presence the being-impulse called ‘love-of-kind,’ and, apart from my personal aims, I had to produce this said state in very many three-brained beings there for their personal benefit, and as this means proved very harmful for my being-existence, I invented another means, thanks to which I obtained the same effect without the expenditure of my own Hanbledzoin.
“I then invented and very soon became expert in quickly changing the mentioned ‘difference-of-the-filling-of-the-blood-vessels’ by means of a certain hindering of the movement of the blood in certain blood vessels.
“By means of this hindering I obtained the result that although the already mechanized tempo of the blood circulation of their waking state remained in beings, yet at the same time their real consciousness, that is, the one which they themselves call subconsciousness, began also to function.
“This new means of mine proved of course incomparably better than that which is used even up till now by beings of your planet, who make the person they hypnotize gaze at a shining or brilliant object.