
B583 <=> B585 (BTG XXXIII Beelzebub as hypnotist, p. 584)

“But to remain in this Turkestan and to organize my existence there in such a way as to have the full possibility of giving my planetary body the required rest I could not, in any way, because in almost all the beings there on that part of the surface of your planet, breeding in both Chinese and Russian Turkestan, there had already been crystallized, either through personal perceptions or from the descriptions of others, data for recognizing my appearance; at the same time, each of the ordinary beings of this country wished to speak with me concerning either himself personally or his nearest on account of one of the vices in the deliverance from which I had chanced to become there such an unparalleled specialist.

“What I then devised and carried out to escape from this situation was the reason why Turkestan – concerning which place there are and will be preserved in my common presence the data then fixed for pleasant memories – ceased to be for me the place of my permanent existence on your planet at the period of this last stay of mine, and thereafter the cities of the ‘famous’ Europe with their cafes with the ‘black liquid’ – made of nobody knows what – replaced the towns of Turkestan with their ‘Tchai-kanas’ and their delicious fragrant teas.

“I decided to go to the country which is a part of the continent Africa and is there called Egypt.

“I chose this country because Egypt was indeed at that period the best place for resting, and many three-brained beings there possessing what is called ‘material wealth’ went there for that purpose from all the other continents.

“Having arrived there, I settled down in the city called ‘Cairo’ and very soon organized the external form of my ordinary existence in such a way as to have that rest for my planetary body after the said intense and strenuous labors.