
B586 <=> B588 (BTG XXXIII Beelzebub as hypnotist, p. 587)

“Certain members of this society who already had some notion of the sacred Omnipresent Okidanokh, discovered, by their persistent labors, how to obtain from their own atmosphere and also from certain surplanetary formations each of its sacred parts separately, and by keeping these sacred cosmic ‘force-bearing’ substances in a concentrated state, how to perform, with their help, their definite scientific elucidatory experiments.

“The learned members of the said great learned society then also discovered among other things, that they could, by means of the separately localized third part of the Omnipotent Okidanokh, namely, by means of its sacred ‘neutralizing-force’ or ‘force-of-reconciling,’ bring every kind of planetary what are called ‘organic’ formations into such a state that they remained forever with all those active elements contained in them at the given moment, that is to say, they could stop and absolutely arrest their future inevitable what is called ‘decay.’

“The knowledge of the ableness of such an actualization passed by inheritance to certain beings of this Egypt, namely, to those initiated beings who were the direct descendants of the learned members of the Akhaldans.

“Well, many centuries after the loss of Atlantis, beings of this Egypt, on the basis of the knowledge which had reached them, also discovered how, by means of that same sacred neutralizing-force of the sacred Okidanokh, to preserve the planetary bodies of certain of them forever in a nondecaying and nondecomposing state after the sacred Rascooarno, or as they say, after death had proceeded in them.

“And indeed, by the time of my sixth visit to that planet all the beings and everything which had been in this Egypt during my former visit, had entirely ceased to exist and not even any notion of it all was preserved.