B609 <=> B611 (BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 610)
“It is further also necessary to tell you here that when from among these learned beings of ‘new format’ some become power-possessing and happen to take up important responsible posts in the process of ordinary existence, they then often serve much more as the sources of every kind of subsequent misunderstanding than the hereditary power-possessing beings.
“And they serve as these sources of misunderstandings obviously in consequence of this, that in the common presences of these beings there are acquired and in a particular way are interwoven the characteristic inherencies which had already become proper to your favorites of three quite different contemporary types, namely, power-possessing beings, learned beings of ‘new format,’ and the contemporary ‘professional physicians.’
“And so, my boy, on the initiative and insistence of several hereditary power-possessing beings of that community, especially on that of those who, although they outwardly still continue to be power-possessing yet in inner significance are only as they are called ‘emptied sand boxes’ (deflated gasbags), there were called to power for the business of actualizing such a serious task as the ‘relative saving’ of many millions of beings similar to themselves, those genuine ‘stuffed turkeys,’ or, as they would be called there, ‘upstarts.’
“While at first these same upstarts who had by chance received power carried on among themselves alone every kind of petty ‘intrigue’ proper to them, it was still for the general undertaking there only ‘half-a-calamity,’ but when, thanks to every kind of what is called ‘subterfuge’ also proceeding from them, there also began these intrigues between all the participants of this Trusteeship, and they all split up into different notorious ‘parties,’ which pernicious custom there for a successful actualization of every promising beginning is very widely spread, then also such a good beginning as this Trusteeship for the general welfare of contemporary three-brained beings began, as they say, to ‘crack at the seams.’