B632 <=> B634 (BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 633)
“That is why, my boy, at the present time there on that ill-fated planet, every being who has already reached responsible age, instead of the real knowledge which every normal three-brained being should have concerning the events which took place on their planet in the past, knows about everything in the same way in which, as in the present case, he ruminates with his being-Reason and ‘unconsciously’ becomes aware with all his being about this same Egypt.
“There’s no gainsaying it, each one of the already, according to them, responsible three-brained beings of this strange planet, already knows thanks to their system of education and schooling, the history of the beings who existed in the past on this Egypt.
“Yet how, thanks to the said means of perception of informations which they themselves call ‘learning-parrot-like,’ he knows this, and what totality of the being-representation about this ‘results’ from all three of his spiritualized being-parts, you may picture to yourself with your own eyes, and clearly understand from the following illustration of mine.
“Almost every one of them ‘knows’ that among ancient Egyptians there were twenty-four dynasties. But if any one of them is asked, ‘Why are there so many dynasties among them?’ it would then appear that he had never even thought about it.