B686 <=> B688 (BTG XXXVII France, p. 687)
“This is why, when these contemporary favorites of yours already become responsible beings, everything newly seen and newly heard is perceived by them of its own accord automatically without the participation of any effort whatsoever on the part of their essence-functions, and without at all evoking in them, as I have already said, the being-need itself of sensing and understanding everything proceeding within them as well as without.
“In a word, they are satisfied with that alone, which someone once consciously or unconsciously put into them.
“I hope, my dear boy, that after all I have now told you, it will by itself become clear to you, why, just among the three-brained beings of other groupings on your planet, data as regards the beings of the separate groupings which exists there under the name of France, has been crystallized for such an opinion not corresponding to reality.
“However this may be, yet for the ordinary beings of this France, it was a great misfortune that the contemporary three-brained beings there of other separate groupings selected, for their what are called ‘cultured manifestations,’ the capital of that community.
“At any rate, I personally pity with all my essence the ordinary beings of this community, that their capital, even though only one definite part of it, has begun to be considered the contemporary ‘center-of-culture’ for that whole planet.
“One must simply even be astonished, that the majority of beings of the community France could, although without the participation of their consciousness, nevertheless preserve in their presences those data for the two being-impulses on which objective being-morality is chiefly based, and which are called ‘patriarchality,’ that is, love of family, and ‘organic-shame,’ in spite of the fact that they exist in the sphere of conditions of ordinary being-existence there which have now become quite abnormal, thanks to the fact that their capital, as I have already told you, has, to their misfortune begun to be considered, and really is, the contemporary ‘chief-center-of-culture’ for the whole of that ill-fated planet.