
B690 <=> B692 (BTG XXXVII France, p. 691)

“It is interesting that the judges there, as it was also communicated in that etherogram, in each case acquitted the hairdressers on the grounds that the beings of the female sex who went to them were already over sixteen years of age, and had therefore, owing to the laws there, reached their majority and were free to do as they pleased.

“But, of course, had these French judges, and in general the judges of the whole planet, known that there exists in the Universe a definite law concerning all the formations without exception, which serve the Great Trogoautoegocrat in the transformation of cosmic substances, then they would without any doubt completely change their opinion concerning that understanding which they express by the word ‘majority.’

“The point is that, according to that definite cosmic law, all those separate individuals, among whom are numbered also all Keshapmartnian beings of the female sex, are for the transformation of cosmic substances the sources of all those active elements which in further cosmic formations must serve in the process of the Great Holy Law Triamazikamno for fusion as its second holy force, that is, they always are, as is said, the ‘negative’ or ‘passive principle.’

“And so, owing to this definite cosmic law, which I have just mentioned, these sources which transform the active elements which serve as the passive principle, can never be free to have any independent manifestations. Only these sources can have this independence which transform the active elements which must serve for the Holy Triamazikamno as the ‘affirming’ or ‘active principle.’