
B694 <=> B696 (BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 695)

“Although all these many, varied Havatvernoni or religions of theirs have decidedly nothing in common with each other, yet nevertheless all are built up on the religious teachings, which in their turn, are built up exclusively on that, in the objective sense, ‘maleficent idea,’ which they themselves called ‘Good and Evil,’ and which ‘idea,’ strictly speaking, was the chief factor for the gradual ‘dilution’ of their general psyche and which still quite recently served as the cause of great events among the ‘blissful’ ‘higher-being-bodies’ or, as they are called there, ‘souls’ who dwell on that holy planet in the direction of which we are at the present moment falling.

“The history of all that which recently happened on this holy planet Purgatory ought, in my opinion, to be told you without fail, first of all because these events have a common-cosmic character and are connected with the general individuality of every relatively separately formed responsible Individual, and secondly, because certain members of your ‘genealogical tree’ involuntarily served as the cause of the arising of these events.

“But I shall relate about it only at the end of my present tale, as I have a very worthy reason for this concerning the development of your ‘being-mentation.’ About this worthy reason and also about what considerations I have concerning such an intention of mine, I shall most likely also explain to you in its proper time.

“Meanwhile know that there, among these terrestrial three-brained beings who please you, there existed and exists a great quantity of all kinds of ‘religious doctrines,’ on which these numerous ‘religions’ of theirs are just built up, and that they usually arise in the following way:

“I already told you that when it became clear that thanks to the unforeseeingness of certain Most-High-Sacred-Cosmic-Individuals, the results of the consequences of the organ Kundabuffer, invented and later removed by these sacred Individuals, began to become crystallized in the common presences of these unfortunate three-brained beings, thanks to which it became almost impossible for them correctly to become perfected to the Being, which three-brained beings ought to have, then our abundantly loving COMMON FATHER condescended to actualize sometimes in the common presences of certain of them wherever they may arise the germ of a sacred Individual, so that these latter being completedly formed up to responsible age and acquiring Reason in the conditions which had already become fixed in the general process of the existence of the three-brained beings of this planet, should become aware of reality and indicate to the surrounding beings similar to themselves, how they ought, with the Reason present in them, to guide the process of the functioning of their separate spiritualized parts, in order in this way to decrystallize the already crystallized consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer, and also to succeed in destroying in themselves the predisposition to new crystallizations.