
B701 <=> B703 (BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 702)

“And so strongly was this property crystallized in them that even after the flow of many of their centuries when the Hebrew community already ceased to be organized and powerful, and this former powerful community came to an end – as occurs there according to law to all powerful communities – then not only was this relation towards the beings of the descendants of this community on the part of the beings of other communities not destroyed, but even in the majority of them, the feeling of envy towards them has already become organic.

“The third religion, founded on the teaching of Jesus Christ, very soon became in its primordial form so widely spread that almost one-third of all the three-centered beings of this planet were its followers.

“But thereafter they began gradually to ‘strip’ also this religious teaching based on ‘resplendent Love,’ and transformed it into something also ‘resplendent,’ but already, as our dear Mullah Nassr Eddin says, into a ‘resplendent-Terasakhaboora’ from the fairy tale ‘Kasoaadjy.’

“In the case of this great religious teaching, indeed, it also happened among them, that its followers divided themselves, on account of exterior details of small importance, into various sects, and came to be called not just ‘Christians’ as all the first followers of this teaching called themselves – but ‘Orthodox,’ ‘Sevrodox,’ ‘Ypsylodox,’ ‘Hamilodox,’ and various other cognomens also ending in ‘dox’.’

“And into this teaching of truth and verity, they began also to mix for various egoistic and political reasons, fragments taken from other religious teachings already existing there, but fragments such as had not only nothing in common with the teaching of Jesus, but which sometimes even flatly contradicted the truths this Divine Teacher taught.